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Old 04-25-2008, 05:06 PM   #9
Rotary Fan in Training
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 88
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a7xh7 is on a distinguished road
smoke cleared.. downpipe wrap.. . the car is very easy to start and idles at 1.5k

more issues with the car i get a weird squeal/chirp after i let go from a quick rev to 2k from 1.5k(idle speed). not a bov not sure what it is? sound happens only if i release throttle quickly. not sure where the sound is originating from. --

the cooling system is gurgling like CRAZY now sitting in the garage (car is off). a lot of the sound seems to be coming from the ast/filler neck area.. and the block? --

clutch has a ton of free play and it is sometimes hard to shift into 1st and R gears when engine is on. other times it is Ok but definitely not normal. i had issues with bleeding.. where it reached a constant feel but still have a lot of play, still not sure what to do with this.

did manual rack conversion and the steering wheel alignment is WAY off. i'll adjust that soon.

Last edited by a7xh7; 04-25-2008 at 05:58 PM.
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