No real progress to report. I chem dipped the major pieces but I need to get
some carb cleaner and go at it with a brush and elbow grease this weekend.
I don't have a parts washer so I have to do it the old fashion way. I'm not in
a hurry so that ok.
I'll be ordering the GP Sorensen carb kit as well when I pick up the carb cleaner.
Once its all clean I'll take before shots of everything and then start modding
the carb from the top down.
1980 GS stockport, Fat Nikki, RB Dual Facetfuel pumps, Holley regulator, RB Street port exhaust, 2GDFIS, MR2 MK I electric fans, 2G strut bar, relayed fans, lights and fuel pump, LEDs
Project Fat Nikki Budget 12A rebuild Video setup < $30.00