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Old 04-10-2008, 08:47 PM   #13
FUCK the fucking fuckers
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Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
Actually, I have considered ceramic seals. Unfortunately, I think they were going to cost more than $1000 for a set from JHB. Does your shop custom make seals?

Carbon seals will work great, and they'll last 50K miles, which is plenty for me. However, I've been told they can break if or when (in the case of my car) backfires.

Steel seals are stronger and work well with the cermet, but they take forever to break in, and develop less compression, at least in the NSU motor.
well they ARE expensive but the NRS seals have been tested up to 1000+hp drag cars, 3 rotor speedboats (800hp) and were tested to see how well they held up to detonation and they seem to hold up very well to abuse. The housings come out damage free and actually polished because of these seals.

The only problem I see is the size difference in rotors. He's made the seals for 12A and 13B motors so far and I don't know ANYTHING about the NSU and it's dimensions.
Originally Posted by Monkman33 View Post
But I've learned that people that don't like guns, tend to like stretched tires.

Which makes perfect sense. They are sacrificing safety either way. lol

Last edited by Phoenix7; 04-10-2008 at 08:50 PM.
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