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Old 09-23-2011, 12:29 AM   #14
FC Zach
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IH8DSM Yea vinnies a good guy,

So got a question I pop the hatch and it'll only pop when latch then I have to use my key to undo the othe other one I greased it and that helped some but is there a adjustment I need to do to the latch or cable?
*one latch, i assume? ? Lern 2 type u ignerant M'er F'er LOL

Each latch is held by two 6mm screws and is adjustable. Pull the carpet up to reveal these, or just the stubborn side.
1993 Yamaha GTS1000
1992 Celica Turbo AllTrac
1987 RX7 Sport
1979 Yamaha G1, KM24 powered
1975 Dolmar KMS4
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