Back story:
Wife owned an escort and a Jeep Cherokee. Both were good to her but she wanted an FC. My friend decided to sell his car at the same time we were in the market and we made the trip to Ohio to pick it up.
Left at noon (or 1) on a Saturday and got back to California by Monday at 3AM.

We were dead tired!! It had the RB header and midpipe mated to N1 Duals (real Apex-i units from Japan back when it cost BANK!) but the damn car was WAY TOO LOUD! ABout 3 miles into the trip we decided to get ear plugs. Time went on and I repaired and upgraded little things and maintained it as best as I could. We've been DD'ing this car for a good 3/4 years now and it's still freaking amazing.
Well, it rolled over into the 200K miles last December
Oil change every 3000 miles, make sure fluids are topped off. Had a lil overheating problem once and I got that fixed and it hasn't given me any problems.
-87 octane
-spark plugs need changing at this next oil change (~300 miles)
-Pinneaple intake sleeves
-suspension goodies
-RB collected header, MP and catback
-fuel controller (150whp)
-Exceddy clutch stage 1.
-gets 270 miles per tank (usually have 3 gallons left) I think it's running a tad rich so I think it's time to install a wideband and maybe EGT setup (still reading on it to find what is optimal temps and whatnot) so I can lean it out for better MPG.
This thing pulls like a dream. Tested the TPS a while back, on the dot. We took it to Thunderhill in Feb. while trying to finish my turbo project. She has some battle scars but I already have a replacement lip (i don't wanna get into that story). Trying to see how soon I can get the wing, front end and hood repainted. I have a few more things I want to do to it but I want to finish my 7 and get her on DD duty while I work on the NA.
It's fun having two FC's. One does the money earning while the other gets the money in her. Once I'm satisfied with the whole car I'll do the paint, that way everything will be perfect and then possibly look to sell it to get a nice stock FD.
The really cool thing about this car is how reliable it's been and how quick it feels. I've spoken to a few people and they think I can lean it out more and gain another 15hp-20hp so I'll be looking into it as my TII nears completion (remember I want on car in DD duties and another under the knife).