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Shadow24v 02-13-2009 07:26 AM

Soon to be FC3S owner
Hey all!

As the title states, im in the process of buying an 86 FC3S(4?) N/A 5 speed. One of the members on my other car forums is selling it to me for a good deal. I've always wanted a rotary, loved the concept, sound and possibilities the little 1.3L can accomplish. Not familiar with the rotary intricacies but ive been wrenching on my own cars for the last 8 years or so. My major claim to fame is my one of a kind DD: 92 Plymouth Sundance Duster 5sp with a 00-05 Mitsubishi 3.0 24v v6, Megasquirted swap.

Ideally id like to swap a Turbo-II motor or even a 13BT-REW FD3S motor, but for now, getting the 7 running is first. Thanks already for the warm welcome, posted a need yesterday and its already resolved. I got directed here from the "other site" by the rx-7 seller. :)

Red Dragon 02-13-2009 11:24 AM


85rx-7gsl-se 02-13-2009 01:18 PM

Welcome. Any pics of the Duster? And BTW, go 13BT or 13B-RE in the FC, much easier than an REW.

Shadow24v 02-13-2009 01:42 PM

heres some pics/vids of the duster. doesnt look like much but 14.847@94.29 (not vid recorded :( ) on a pig rich tune isnt bad IMHO, dynoed at 189whp201tq on the same tune, im probably over 200whp now with a better tune. (btw, pics with a red nose are newest {damn truck facing the wrong way in the wrong lane around a blind corner :banghead:})

FCRotary 02-13-2009 03:52 PM

Yes to your question (at least I think it's a question) about your car being an s4, (series 4) were produced between 86 and 88 models years, series 5 fc's were 89-91, with the overstock verts being sold in 92.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on the vert thing, but I believe that's what I've read.

rotorhead87 02-14-2009 07:07 PM

Welcome to RCC!!! lets see that 7 when ya get it.

Rotarydave 02-14-2009 10:11 PM


Shadow24v 02-20-2009 11:06 AM

well, first payment is mailed, 2 to go :) might get it sooner if my g/f chips in (she'll probably drive it the most ATM, but at least she likes cars {and rotaries too!} and can handle a 5sp :driving: ) i hate waiting lol

Rotary#10 02-20-2009 12:11 PM

mmm you my friend have a very lucky woman. Likes cars and rotaries and handles 5 speed? WOW! just be sure ya'll don't flood it.

Caim 02-20-2009 12:12 PM

Welcome man, and have fun with the car.

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