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cheltok 10-06-2008 07:42 PM

Cheltok From Chile

Iīm Repairing Now A Rx-7 2š Gen. Turbo
I Have A Starting And Idle Problems And Im Looking Some Info
I Have Service Manual
I'm Chilean But I Live In Spain
33 Years Old
Mechanic Technician But No Experience In Rotary Engines
I Have Learn A Lot With This Car


djmtsu 10-06-2008 07:49 PM


Starting and idle problems with a 2nd gen can be several things. We need some more info.

Is the car unmodified?
Have you checked for vacuum leaks?
Are the injectors leaking?
How is the compression?

I hope we can help you out!

cheltok 10-06-2008 08:05 PM

no mods

i have checked vacuum promblems, i have change some pipes and rubbers... all ok
i have checked bac valves and fast idle valve and turbo all ok
its hard to start always, cold, hot, warm...
when the car fails it was in highway at 80 mph half gas pedal. it sneez pum!! and continues working but when i loose pedal no idle at all and very hard to start but when engine starts it have good power, no smokes...

i need some tricks to check compression

and injector i didīt check yet


-xlr8planet- 10-06-2008 10:21 PM


Contactate con Richard Marin en Chile, el es el mecanico mas reconocido de rotarios

Phoenix7 10-06-2008 10:59 PM

did you do a compression check?

You're supposed to get 3 even pulses per rotor.
90+psi is a good healthy motor
80s it's a weakening motor
less than 80 means engine rebuild is inevitable.

Bad starting means low compression. The highway incident sounds like you may have blown an Apex seal.

Any modifications?

Digame si prefiere Espaņol.


khronus79 10-06-2008 11:20 PM


cheltok 10-07-2008 04:30 PM


esta vez en espaņol por que mi ingles no es muy bueno

he oido que para hacer un chequeo de compresion se conecta un compresimetro pero hay que eliminar la valvula de retencion de este.
para que al leer una cara del rotor descargue y lea la proxima

es correcto??

muchas gracias a todos

Phoenix7 10-07-2008 04:46 PM

Es correcto. Si deja la valvula no le va a dar los numeros correctos. Solo le va a dar la compression de la cara del rotor que tiene la mejor compression.

Ejemplo: 80, 95, 70. Con la valvula activada solo va a ver el 95.

Tiene que ver y procurar que todas las caras del rotor sean iguales. 3 pulsos parejos de 80 psi o mas.

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