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85turbo12a 02-20-2013 12:29 AM

what i meant to say to get the gears changed out, and put all the parts back on it, going in for alignment this weekend. might be able to get the gears changed out this week or next

FC Zach 02-20-2013 01:00 AM

Glad to hear everything is coming along since the setback, looking forward to seeing this beast at DGRR!

Pete_89T2 02-20-2013 06:39 AM

^What he said. That's one hell of a build, can't wait to see it at DGRR, I'll try not to drool on it when I do :o16:

TitaniumTT 02-20-2013 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 233472)
right test drive revealed i still have a vibration at 70ish, though its different this time and i blame the shaft itself, its about 1/2" too short now as well as when i had the Ujoint replaced the guy at the shop said the tube is slightly egged, so tomorrow i get a new shaft made and go from has approx 2 degrees of drop from trans to rear and about 2 degree down pinion, that is the best i can do.

4* shouldn't be too bad, unless the offset is really bad.

even a short driveshaft will cause wierd vibes. Had them in my FC, a few shims and spacers got rid of it in the troubleshooting phase, can't imagine how the shaft got egged but that as well as I'm sure you know will do it as well....


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 233472)
in other will spin the tires about anytime you want...passing people at 70mph on the interstate whilst crabbing sideways has got to rustle a few jimmies.
when its finally tuned it will be undriveable...methinks...

:smilielol5: DO WANT!!!!


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 233784)
car is making great power and drives real nice, the combo such as it is, is a great one, now time will tell if the T2 trans will live, but ill just be nice to it now, got the gears changed out and put the swaybar and tailpipe back on it, and get it ready for DGRR!!

Normally I would say the rear would be the weak link as the TII trans are good for some serious power, but 8.8 so I'm curious to see which explodes first.
FWIW we're creating a stock of TII and REW trans, rebuilt and cryo'ed, ready to abuse/


Originally Posted by GySgtFrank (Post 233793)

What he said.


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 233797)
what i meant to say to get the gears changed out, and put all the parts back on it, going in for alignment this weekend. might be able to get the gears changed out this week or next

I think you and MC (2gslse) need to have a chat about the RESpeed kit.... I'm still of the mind that a proper alignment will solve it though, MC ;)

Congrats man! Can't wait to see this monster.... chat it up this year we must :)

Archie 02-20-2013 10:56 AM

I rarely venture into build threads, or the performance side of the house anymore. However, your build is absolutely professional. I hope you reap everything that you have painstakingly sowed into this project. You deserve it.

85turbo12a 02-20-2013 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 233804)

Normally I would say the rear would be the weak link as the TII trans are good for some serious power, but 8.8 so I'm curious to see which explodes first.
FWIW we're creating a stock of TII and REW trans, rebuilt and cryo'ed, ready to abuse/

I think you and MC (2gslse) need to have a chat about the RESpeed kit.... I'm still of the mind that a proper alignment will solve it though, MC ;)

Congrats man! Can't wait to see this monster.... chat it up this year we must :)

thanks guys, yes Titanium, due to space..and configuration issues my first plan in response to a trans failure will be a beefed up version, such as they are, then if that just wont cut it, ill do the dirty deed and adapt something like a T56 or R154, the r154 is a really tempting install, they are super strong and dirt cheap, and work well once rebuilt with aftermarket pieces.
the t56 would just be kick ass though, uber O/D and nearly bullet proof for the power im making.

anyway, as far as i am concerned unless i dont make it there due to environmental reasons, or unforseen mechanical failure ill just add to my already silly credit car bill and hit the mountains with vengence...and tender throttle inputs :biggthumpup:

worst part of the whole deal is im going to lose my speedo ill have to run the gps speedo for a while till i get used to converting my speedo in my head hehehe

i found no good solution to the Rmodel transmission speedo gear, so at some point i will probably buy one of those electric speedo drives and run a mag/speed sensor on the diff and then i can tune it exact.

85turbo12a 02-20-2013 08:47 PM

as far as the REspeed kit...i will refrain from too much bashing on behalf of the REspeed and Grannies, but i had to re-engineer quite a bit of both companies work to make it right.

both companies shorted me a few pieces and assorted hardware, that locally actually proved difficult to get, ended up having to order stuff from a bolt house down the road and wait for it.

as far as operation of the REspeed set up...too soon to tell you since its not properly aligned yet, it seems to be ok, i put a 15:1 manual rack in it.
i dont want to say it has bump steer...because it tracks pretty straight, BUT it is rather abusive to the steering wheel and requires a firm hold on it when road is rutted

some of the problem there could be from me having to lower the rack down with offset bushings changing the angle of the tie rods slightly from the original geometry, but i had no choice.

one thing i am for certain, despite all the quarks it has or might have in is 5000000000% better than that &^*&^^$$$$*&^$*^%$ draglink...

TitaniumTT 02-20-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 234005)
thanks guys, yes Titanium, due to space..and configuration issues my first plan in response to a trans failure will be a beefed up version, such as they are, then if that just wont cut it, ill do the dirty deed and adapt something like a T56 or R154, the r154 is a really tempting install, they are super strong and dirt cheap, and work well once rebuilt with aftermarket pieces.
the t56 would just be kick ass though, uber O/D and nearly bullet proof for the power im making.

anyway, as far as i am concerned unless i dont make it there due to environmental reasons, or unforseen mechanical failure ill just add to my already silly credit car bill and hit the mountains with vengence...and tender throttle inputs :biggthumpup:

worst part of the whole deal is im going to lose my speedo ill have to run the gps speedo for a while till i get used to converting my speedo in my head hehehe

i found no good solution to the Rmodel transmission speedo gear, so at some point i will probably buy one of those electric speedo drives and run a mag/speed sensor on the diff and then i can tune it exact.

Kewl... sounds great.... as for the CC bill.... Meh..... I have ways :rofl:

For the speedo.... check out a co called advanced adapters or Speedometer solutions... I have used both of them in the past with great success... Speedometer solutions sells a piece that places a halleffect sensor where the cable once lived.... works wonders... loved it when I was using it.

Advanced Adapters will build gears to adapt different tire sizes and rear end ratios for the NP transfer cases, they may be able to help with a gear... and I know I've seen in the past a little gizmo, I think it was from them or Dakota Digital that wil alter the output shaft speed to get the speedo correct... works on the same principal as those steering quickners....

85turbo12a 02-21-2013 11:49 PM

and now for some comparison shots....
here is the car with turbo 12a power
and here it is in TT v8 trim....muahahahha

85turbo12a 02-25-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 233804)

I think you and MC (2gslse) need to have a chat about the RESpeed kit.... I'm still of the mind that a proper alignment will solve it though, MC ;)

i am having a steering vibe that seems to be common among ReSpeed rack victims, allow me to direct attention to this club thread

im not the only one, and my symptoms are the now in the process of sorting this problem i needed any more problems at this point...

so for anyone here that has this set up or worked on one, lets try to solve it, because its hugely annoying

2gslse 02-26-2013 04:37 AM

That sounds like the same vibe I have in my car and it wasn't there before I did the rack and pinion swap I have checked and rechecked and found nothing wrong with mine either. when I did my swap I replaced everything in the front at 1 time, steering, 5 lug conversion, new shocks, coilovers,lower control arms etc... I am about to just pitch the R&P and just put my stock parts back on. :(

djmtsu 02-26-2013 08:02 AM

I know when I drove a local's SA with the RE-Speed kit, I had a serious brown moment when the steering wheel started to shake like hell. The 2 bolts that secure the spindle to the LCA's had worked loose, somehow. Once tightened, it went away, but I know his has some other issues as well. Like for some reason, it is harder to turn left than right. Weird.

The FC subframe on his daughters car has no issues though :)

2gslse 02-26-2013 08:41 AM

It is one of my upgrades that wasn't really needed but I thought would be a great improvement when I did it but I like the kit but don't love it. my complaints on it are the vibration of the wheel and at low speeds in parking lots the car fights itself when turning(ackerman issues) I talked to Brian about mine and if it doesn't get better soon I will be removing the R&P and putting my old steering back in.

one320fc 02-26-2013 12:28 PM

I was just thinking about this build and had a great idea! I think once you and MC get all the kinks out, what better thing to do than put two silver FBs against each other V8TT vs single turbo 13BRE :willy_nilly: On a more serious note I hope both of you can get things sorted out very impressive builds! :cheers2:

GySgtFrank 02-26-2013 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by one320fc (Post 234607)
I was just thinking about this build and had a great idea! I think once you and MC get all the kinks out, what better thing to do than put two silver FBs against each other V8TT vs single turbo 13BRE :willy_nilly: On a more serious note I hope both of you can get things sorted out very impressive builds! :cheers2:

Let me set up a tire dealership before you do this. I'll make money hand over fist. :giggity:

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