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TitaniumTT 01-06-2013 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 225849)
thats a matter of opinion, im not impressed at all by cookie cutter builds,

That... we've done close to 40 LS swaps @ Speed1, it's almost gotten to the tpoint where we can flat rate it which is kinda ridiculous. Personally, I'm looking at a few different non RX cars for a unique engine swap but THIS one is definately unique and one of the cleanest that I've ever seen. Well done sir


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 225849)
i dont need that much power so the stock $300 engine with a simple rebuild kit and springs will do just fine, as i would have to do all the other modifications i have done for any other v8, just the initial engine cost would be a lot more as an alum ls2/3 is pretty pricey, so i decided to build something no one else has. and with any luck carve up the dragon with it this year

I would LOVE to see this thing @ DGRR this year, absolutely love to. Good luck with it.... I would offer dyno services, but I fear a 40hr round trip would be a little too far for you :rofl:

85turbo12a 01-07-2013 12:49 AM

thanks dude, im going to try to make the gap...i am trying..:D

i was there in 2011 and saw your car, its fantastic all the right things in the right places.

appreciate the offer of dyno services, but luckily i have a friend in the biz and he is only 2 miles away so basically have dyno any time i need it.

its good to be da machinist...

85turbo12a 01-12-2013 08:20 PM

ok underside is done until further problems surface :D, car is on the ground and re-wiring for the new engine configuration is under way....not much time till DGRR now...

GySgtFrank 01-12-2013 09:15 PM

I'm in lovvve! <3 <3 <3 :)

85turbo12a 01-13-2013 10:35 PM

rolled it out on its wheels for the first time in a long time and gave it a much deserved bath, i think the corvette is jealous of the attention....

TitaniumTT 01-14-2013 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 227972)
thanks dude, im going to try to make the gap...i am trying..:D

i was there in 2011 and saw your car, its fantastic all the right things in the right places.

Thanks man, I appreciate that.


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 227972)
appreciate the offer of dyno services, but luckily i have a friend in the biz and he is only 2 miles away so basically have dyno any time i need it.

its good to be da machinist...

Werd.... I wish I was a machinist... I'm still toying with the idea of taking some classes so I can computer design and build some parts that I would love to have....


Originally Posted by 85turbo12a (Post 228774)
rolled it out on its wheels for the first time in a long time and gave it a much deserved bath, i think the corvette is jealous of the attention....

And probably the HP as well ;)

85turbo12a 01-15-2013 11:29 PM

nothing left to show during the ugly and boring wiring stay tuned for the start up videos, good or bad i will post them, if something goes wrong a report will be filed accordingly

fc nut 01-20-2013 07:35 PM

totally insane swap! A++

85turbo12a 01-22-2013 12:06 AM

for those who have not seen the insides of it, this is my total black interior conversion with silver and grey trim, silver faced gauges that glow blue, this time around i added a wideband gauge from PLX to match my controller, other than that, its pretty simple and understated like the rest of it.

sadly the previous owner drilled a hole in the perfect dash to mount a ricer tach, so what i did was mount a low profile shift light in its place, filling the hole and not looking too terrible.

730RWHP12A 01-22-2013 11:30 PM

what turbos are those? i see they are internal wastegate T3 flange, mfg? comp wheel size?
did you arp head stud the motor? head gaskets?

85turbo12a 01-23-2013 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by 730RWHP12A (Post 229634)
what turbos are those? i see they are internal wastegate T3 flange, mfg? comp wheel size?
did you arp head stud the motor? head gaskets?

sadly my current turbos are of the budget variety, i was using a nice 60-1 turbonetics unit on the rotary, but this project is so expensive i had to get something i could afford at first, they are 57mm compressors, 52mm turbines, .63ar hot sides.
im not asking much out of them so they should behave, and if they dont, i can put garret cartridges in place of the current ones once i recover from the bleeding and have more money.
i did the internal gates because i HATE open dump gates and plumbing a set of externals into the down pipes would make this nightmare of a space problem unbearable lol internals makes it easy and keeps it quiet

i did not stud the engine no, i see no reason to for what i am asking of it, i used stock gaskets, many 1uz have gone in the 10s on unopened high mile blocks, i did use new head bolts and upgraded the springs slightly since i wanted to replace them anyway, didnt cost anything extra to get better ones. i think it upped the seat pressure from like 48lbs to 73lbs if memory serves..somewhere around that.
and i am not looking to go 10s, its just a pump gas fun car. so hopefully it will be ok, otherwise as time goes by i will prep another long block, but building a 1uz with all the goodies in it will run you around $3500 in parts, and that is before you upgrade the cams and the work needed to complete the setup of them, its too expensive, at that point i would just buy an ls2

willnordacgreen1211 01-23-2013 10:24 PM

holy shit! just now got caught up on this build, looks fantastic! cant wait to see the burnout video!

85turbo12a 01-30-2013 09:19 PM

trying to figure out how to embed a Facebook video...having no luck

85turbo12a 01-30-2013 10:42 PM

testing systems

GySgtFrank 01-30-2013 10:52 PM

first link is private. Why you no stick your finger in there on second link? :)

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