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TitaniumTT 09-26-2009 07:36 PM

Just wanna try something

Turbo II Rotor 09-26-2009 10:53 PM

Awesome. Looking good Brian.

EJayCe996 09-27-2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 97786)
Just wanna try something

How awesome is it to wake up to this!?

TitaniumTT 09-28-2009 10:24 PM

Thanks guys. With anyluck I'll be waking you with a 400+ rwhp pull in the near future. Going to try to get back there on 10/5.

Scott, when I leave CT I hop on 287, over the Tap and follow 287 to 78 into PA. On my way back I'm usually heading to Oyster Bay so I take 78 all the way to the Holland, drive up the city a few blocks to the manhattan bridge and you don't care because that's NY and not Jersey......... do you live anywhere close to that route?

Turbo II Rotor 09-28-2009 11:53 PM

I'm about an hour from where 287 and 78 cross. I live right by where I-195 and the Parkway intersect. Wanna meet up and grab a beer and let me ogle your car again?

TitaniumTT 09-29-2009 03:58 PM

Sounds like a plan to me. Are there any local meets worth attending? I hear about this Jersey Tuesday night recurring thing like it's the second coming.

Turbo II Rotor 10-01-2009 03:06 PM

I've been to a couple of those and they were meh at best. Let me talk to Andrew and Dennis and see if I can drum up the attendance for it in the coming week or two.

TitaniumTT 10-01-2009 08:13 PM

That'd be awesome man. If you're there and we can grab a beer or two before hand I'd be all for it.

EJayCe996 10-02-2009 09:00 PM

I should try and make progress tonight but I think the Ketel One is catching up (seeing as I haven't eaten anything since pho at noon)... Tomorrow is gonna be a cram between Class ending at noon and the RX-7 meet/cruise happening at 7pm. I finally got another jack that stays "low profile" for longer than just the jack point.... Man my fenders have some damage from that bullshit over the years. Not to mention it is a helluva lot safer too. My old Jack creeped down out of the box brand new!

TitaniumTT 10-06-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by EJayCe996 (Post 98362)
I should try and make progress tonight but I think the Ketel One is catching up (seeing as I haven't eaten anything since pho at noon)... Tomorrow is gonna be a cram between Class ending at noon and the RX-7 meet/cruise happening at 7pm. I finally got another jack that stays "low profile" for longer than just the jack point.... Man my fenders have some damage from that bullshit over the years. Not to mention it is a helluva lot safer too. My old Jack creeped down out of the box brand new!

I always jack from the center of the front subframe or the rear diff. Jack stands go under the lower control arm rear pivot point where then mount on the subframe and the arms heading inward on the front of the rear subframe....... you don't use jack stands? Just the jack? That's a little worrysome.


T-minus 60 hours


Antman...... you thinking about heading out?

FC3S Murray 10-07-2009 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by titaniumtt (Post 98739)

t-minus 60 hours

woot woot!!

EJayCe996 10-09-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 98739)
I always jack from the center of the front subframe or the rear diff. Jack stands go under the lower control arm rear pivot point where then mount on the subframe and the arms heading inward on the front of the rear subframe....... you don't use jack stands? Just the jack? That's a little worrysome.


You best believe I use jackstands! Being the son of an old European (mainly italian) sports car mechanic means I was taught to do everything "right" off the bat. Once I get one side on jackstands then prop the other side on jack stands, I rejack the other side to make sure the jacks didn't lean/shift any while the other end of the car went up. I actually only use the jack as a sole prop if i'm just taking a wheel off (tire not even lifted half an inch off the ground) for < 5 min dealies, or, in my current case, to hold up the subframe on one end so i could line up the holes and have a free hand to slip the nuts on.

TitaniumTT 10-10-2009 02:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Gotcha, must've read it wrong.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo didn't get everything done that we wanted..... clogged yet another fuel filter. 4th gear pulls all day long, upping the boost a slight amount each time and making corrections to the map. THe last two runs went lean, 2nd to last not that bad, then the last one went to shit and FAST! Dave let out @ 6700 rpms at ~11.5lbs of boost and about 12.5-13 afr's. Everything was GREAT until about 5800 when she just started going lean. Pretty obvious by the datalog what happened. Engine still runs great, purrs like a kitten and pulls great vac. We'll double check the comp when I get back.

Also need to figure out why the boost is bleeding off at higher RPM's, I think I know but I need to check it out. I think the Charge Relief Valve puked or is set up wrong and bleeding off some boost.

I had the backup filter with me and within 15 minutes we had it changed out and we called it a night. What can you do right? I'm sending the old filter out to a lab to be analyzed to see what in the hell is clogging these things up. Maybe if we know, I'll be able to find it. Maybe I should sit outside for a few nights with my Benelli to see how much I pissed my neighbor off in the past.

Pretty obvious why she went lean

NoDOHC 10-12-2009 05:54 PM

Wow! 361 WHp is a good number.

I have nothing but respect for you man and you are doing an excellent job.

I am really hoping that you can get the 400WHp, my hat will certainly be off to you if you do (although it already is).

I don't want you to be disappointed on your next dyno pull, so I will throw out some food for thought.

I doubt that you will ever run this close to peak power AFR on the dyno again, I would expect an 11:1 AFR run to give you more like 320 WHp if a 13.0:1 run gives you 360 WHp.

Unless I read the graph incorrectly, your boost was already falling off at this power level (meaning that your turbo is maxed out, or your charge relief valve is failing). I think that bump in the graph was due to the non-linearity of the waste gate completely closing. If you do have the wastegate completely shut on that run, you are going to need a much better flowing set of turbos to make 400 WHp at 11:1 AFR (unless you are running a ridiculously retarded ignition and can pick a lot of power up there).

Still, 361 WHp is not a bad number at all. (That is actually very impressive).

Out of curiosity, did you ever dyno this car NA to see what it would do?

TitaniumTT 10-12-2009 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by NoDOHC (Post 99290)
Wow! 361 WHp is a good number.

I have nothing but respect for you man and you are doing an excellent job.

I am really hoping that you can get the 400WHp, my hat will certainly be off to you if you do (although it already is).

I think we'll land right around 400. Thanks for the props, ya gotta give some to Dave to though. Guy found 50hp right off the bat without increasing boost. Guy is awesome.


Originally Posted by NoDOHC (Post 99290)
I don't want you to be disappointed on your next dyno pull, so I will throw out some food for thought.

I doubt that you will ever run this close to peak power AFR on the dyno again, I would expect an 11:1 AFR run to give you more like 320 WHp if a 13.0:1 run gives you 360 WHp.

We generally run her @11.7-12 afr or about .8-.815. 11.1 would start to drop the power off but I don't think we'll loose 9-10% power by dropping 1 full AFR.... I could be wrong though.... we'll see. Also, that last run Dave let out @ 6700 RPM's. Previously she kept climbing in power all the way to 72-7300 RPM's.


Originally Posted by NoDOHC (Post 99290)
Unless I read the graph incorrectly, your boost was already falling off at this power level (meaning that your turbo is maxed out, or your charge relief valve is failing).

Boost was falling off and we even dropped the duty cycle more as the RPM's increased to try to keep the boost from falling off but it only worked so well. The root cause of the problem was the charge relief valve was left open..... yes left open. When I was breaking this engine in I went into the Motec and programed that solenoid to keep that valve open at all times to help stay out of boost for breakin. I just forgot to swap it back :banghead: I put it back the way it was supposed to be and she held boost all the way to redline at half the duty cycle on the WG. I'm hoping that she'll get to 15 psi without silly backpressure. INJ 7 is the CRV.... this is a 3rd gear pull in the neighborhood....... I don't know why my neighbors hate me :rofl:


Originally Posted by NoDOHC (Post 99290)
I think that bump in the graph was due to the non-linearity of the waste gate completely closing. If you do have the wastegate completely shut on that run, you are going to need a much better flowing set of turbos to make 400 WHp at 11:1 AFR (unless you are running a ridiculously retarded ignition and can pick a lot of power up there).

Well, we know the turbo's can move 18 psi on a bridgeported 13B-REW so my med streetported RE should be able to swallow 15ish. The Charge Relief Valve is a 3/4" hose attached to a stock blow-off valve so it can vent some air to say the least. Like I said, CRV closed she held more boost at about 1/2 the duty cycle on the WG. Can't tell for sure, but best guess is she'll make 15 psi. Tonight she spiked to 15 psi in 3rd at 60% duty (less duty = more boost) We'll know on the 22nd.... next trip to Dave.


Originally Posted by NoDOHC (Post 99290)
Still, 361 WHp is not a bad number at all. (That is actually very impressive).

Out of curiosity, did you ever dyno this car NA to see what it would do?

Thank you and no, best I can give you is she made 131 wheel with the turbo's all fucked up and backspinning the 2ndary @ 0"hg. We really wanna see 400. I'm not saying 400 or bust but we should be able to see it or close to it. The timing isn't retardedly retarded but some CAN be gained with the timing...... we would rather NOT fuck with the timing or the AFR and we probably won't stray away from the conservative approach that Dave and I both like. We'd rather give up some ponies for some longevity and saftey. Meh, we'll see in about 10 days or so. I'm getting anxious though..... this has been going on for 6 months now. We're gonna get the girl all dialed in and I'm gonna break her down to a bareshell :rofl:

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