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Gregory Casimir 01-23-2010 09:03 AM

i read on the 7club that he totalled the car! sad to see it go but did you by anychance make the write up on the brake upgrade? I'm really interested on this set-up or was the brake upgrade the cause of the accident?

need RX7 01-23-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by MaczPayne (Post 9742652)

I don't want to go into much detail but here's a rundown:

1. Saw cone in middle of track (in 20/20 hindsight, should have run over that) while entering a ~60mph sweeper right before heading on to the straight (with cooldown lap to follow, then I drive home no problem)

2. Tried to cut in front of it to avoid it, then all of a sudden my rear end swaps places with my front. There were no brakes involved, perhaps throttle lift might have been the cause who knows.

3. Rear right corner hit first, then sling-shot the front right into the k-rail

4. My brother and I walk away... Albeit with hurt feelings, and wallets.

I'm gonna bide my time now and look for a clean s5 shell to swap everything over, looks like most if not everything besides the body is salvageable.

From the evil forum :(

WE3RX7 01-23-2010 03:21 PM

That sucks!

I actually can get a super clean S5 shell for him but I think he's too far away... all straight body only thing is its NA (does run though) and wont have an interior in it...

Hope he finds something though, it'd be a shame to call it quits after all that work.

FC3S Murray 01-23-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by need RX7 (Post 107782)
From the evil forum

oh man that blows:icon_tdown::banghead:

TitaniumTT 01-23-2010 09:52 PM

Sorry to hear that Johnson.

Bill/Johnson.... here's something to think about. Come to DGRRX with Nader and Mike and Shar and drive the N/A home :icon_tup:

TaylorI 01-23-2010 11:33 PM

I have an 89 convertible it's N/a and automatic but only 77k on the chassis if anyone wants to get in contact with the guy.

josh18_2k 01-24-2010 04:17 AM

s4 base model is the way to go! no sunroof = lightest stiffest chassis :)

Max777 01-24-2010 02:41 PM

damn.... that blows. I used to swerve to avoid small stuff like squirrels when I first started to drive. After a few near accidents, I told myself that my life is more important, and that the next time I should NOT make a sudden move if I see something small on the road.

I was driving home late at night one night, going about 85mph on a 2 lane highway, and a possum walked right out on the road. I just slightly moved the steering wheel so that the possum would end up in the middle of my car, and ran over it without hitting the brakes... a couple thuds and we just kept going.

Scared the crap out of me to be honest, but I keep thinking about what would happen if I didn't train myself beforehand.

PS: I'm not a very experience driver, but I see a lot of talented people make the same mistake as the thread starter. Practice for things like this should be included in basic driver's training.

MaczPayne 01-28-2010 04:29 PM

I never quit :)

I found a very clean red S5 GXL in AZ for a steal. It's a complete car with black interior and the works, it was recently overheated.

I'd like to get an s4, but my goal now is to build a comfortable dual-purpose car that has a/c at least for the scorching summers here.

I am a bit bummed about losing the car, but I really look at this as just an obstacle to become a better driver. I was testing my limits on each lap, and unfortunately on the last one I found it.

The crash revealed ALOT of bondo on the car (>1/4" thick in some places), which leads me to believe I was driving a slightly tweaked frame the whole time. Who knows how much faster I'll be with a clean car?

Lastly, the brakes were in no way the cause of the crash, since it happened during a zero throttle/zero brake situation. They were instead spectacular. I was probably at the top of 4th gear at the end of the roval braking into a 20-25 mph corner. I was out-braking most of the cars out there, with no noticeable fade throughout the day. I used to stand on my brakes to slow down, now it's much more refined and linear. Before the crash happened, the car finally drove the way I wanted it to.

This was also the first time all 3 test mules with the big brakes drove on the same track. Except for the crash, we all did fine :)

I cannot release any info yet regarding the brakes until my friend decides to release it. He's still concerned about liability. If you want to talk to him, his user is frijolee on the other forum.

Here are some slo-mo videos from the last Auto-x:

FC3S Murray 01-28-2010 04:41 PM

What is the cost if someone is interested in this brake set-up?

WE3RX7 01-28-2010 05:55 PM

Any at-speed vids? Glad to hear you found a new shell quickly enough. Good luck on the swap.

Did your other car have black interior as well?

MaczPayne 01-28-2010 06:16 PM

I didn't find any, I almost bought a go-pro camera for the track event, but decided not to since I wanted to save up for new tires.

The wrecked car has blue interior from an S5.

The brakes cost a little over 1400, about 400 of that were in the rotors.

MaczPayne 02-05-2010 12:07 PM

Picking up the new car this Sunday, gotta drive about 330 miles to get it with a trailer though.

Things to do:

-One of the wheels got bent, gotta see if it can be repaired
-Rewire the Microtech Harness
-Rebuild the transmission
-Build new seat brackets for the Corbeaus so they sit lower
-Relocate the battery on the new car
-Transfer all the go fast goods from the black TII over
-Replace the stock turbo
-Install A/C, I might try PS just to see what it feels like too
-Fabricate a roll cage (Currently working on an Autodesk inventor model)
-Quick re-tune
-Corner balance and alignment
-New tires
-Paint the s5 sideskirts red
-New lip
-Rear diffuser
-Sell all the n/a parts from the new car to make up some of the investment.

djmtsu 02-05-2010 12:18 PM


Good work getting a new car so fast. Can't wait to see another build thread!

TitaniumTT 02-05-2010 12:34 PM

NICE!!!! Congrats Johnson. Lemme know if you need a Mil-Spec quick disconnect harness for that there MicroTech ;)

That car, or your old car doesn't happen to have ABS?

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