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MrsJoff 01-29-2011 01:00 PM

(joff accidentally posting with my wife's login)


Originally Posted by chickenwafer (Post 138548)
Jesse you should sell me another one of those air boxes! No...seriously

I may consider that, but definitely after I finish the rest of this. I would need to tweak my process since it took a ridiculous amount of time doing the CF/Kevlar demold. Basically I had to destroy the foamboard mold by chipping it out with a flathead screwdriver. For some reason my parting wax didn't work well on the foamboard.


Originally Posted by RCCAZ 1 (Post 138716)
Argh..... too much detail, you'll never finish the build!! :). Damn perfectionists. Rasing the bar once again. Looks like I might have to get busy soon.... ;).

Looking GREAT Jesse!

Ha Ha Tim! I just can't help myself. Check this out -- its my V-mount air splitter and because I had so much carbon fiber fabric laying around, I thought might as well use that and create it uber-lightweight. Its a non-visible piece, so I sort of slopped it together. Theres a few resin drips
running down the piece and its been really difficult for me to just accept leaving it alone.

chickenwafer 01-29-2011 02:40 PM

Who's your carbon fiber supplier? I would like to try making some items myself...namely the carbon fiber airbox. You have me eying the same Rotary Works v-mount now for myself...although I just bought an SMIC.. argh!

I'm sure you heard by now that I sold my 8 for an FD? It's a tight fit for me! I sure miss Arizona as well, but Colorado has been treating me well.

joff 01-29-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by chickenwafer (Post 138730)
Who's your carbon fiber supplier? I would like to try making some items myself...namely the carbon fiber airbox. You have me eying the same Rotary Works v-mount now for myself...although I just bought an SMIC.. argh!

I'm sure you heard by now that I sold my 8 for an FD? It's a tight fit for me! I sure miss Arizona as well, but Colorado has been treating me well.

I did hear you've got an FD now -- thats great! Too bad though about no more 8 -- I hope it went to good owner. That was a nice car too.

I get all my carbon fiber/kevlar/fiberglass/resin supplies from US Composites ( Theres also

hades 01-29-2011 06:53 PM

any good reading material on how to learn fiberglass / CF? I know just enough to get my self in trouble. I would like to read up before I try making an intercooler duct

joff 01-30-2011 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by hades (Post 138737)
any good reading material on how to learn fiberglass / CF? I know just enough to get my self in trouble. I would like to read up before I try making an intercooler duct

I bought this book a couple years ago:

Also, I found a couple online forums that are good to lurk on and read the stickies: and

Expect a lot of trial and error-- theres lots of little details you only find out about when you try things. I've thrown a lot of failures away. It can be very time consuming.

TitaniumTT 01-30-2011 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by MrsJoff (Post 138724)
(joff accidentally posting with my wife's login)

I may consider that, but definitely after I finish the rest of this. I would need to tweak my process since it took a ridiculous amount of time doing the CF/Kevlar demold. Basically I had to destroy the foamboard mold by chipping it out with a flathead screwdriver. For some reason my parting wax didn't work well on the foamboard.

The very porous nature of the foamboard probably sucked up some of the mold release wax or the resin itself. I've had good luck covering it with wax paper or tin foil. Wax paper seems to work better as it doesn't want to crinkle as much.


Originally Posted by joff (Post 138765)
I bought this book a couple years ago:

Also, I found a couple online forums that are good to lurk on and read the stickies: and

Expect a lot of trial and error-- theres lots of little details you only find out about when you try things. I've thrown a lot of failures away. It can be very time consuming.

Ain't that the truth!

joff 01-31-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by TitaniumTT (Post 138772)
The very porous nature of the foamboard probably sucked up some of the mold release wax or the resin itself.

The foamboard had a glossy paper side which is what I applied the mold release wax to. I have some other stuff I probably should have used called "PVA" which is basically a thinner version of elmers glue that can be shot out of a spray gun. When it dries it ends up like a protective garbage bag around the part that peels off like skin on a bad sunburn. Its really awesome, I don't know why I didn't use it.

I got the aluminum bottom piece of my airbox back from the welder today. He only tacked the 4" piping in because I was afraid things may not line up right but it seems to all fit perfectly:

I also had him weld in a section of aluminum tube I rolled some 1/8" NPT threads on both sides as a water/meth injection nozzle coupler:

chickenwafer 02-05-2011 07:41 PM

How do you feel about the quality of the Rotary Works v-mount Jesse? You have me eying it now...looks pretty slick, especially if I can fit a sealed and ducted airbox on the passenger side like you're doing.

My either idea would be to do the opposite and move the intercooler all the way to the passenger side so I could fit my full size group 57 Optima in the stock location. Would that work dimension wise?

RCCAZ 1 03-02-2011 11:13 PM

Just checking in. Hey Lynn and Jesse.... no posts in almost a month? C'mon. Let's see the latest progress!!!

speedjunkie 03-02-2011 11:45 PM

Yeah, do you have any pics of the fuse/relay box bolted to the front crossmember? I need some ideas, I already have the riv-nut kit LOL.

MrsJoff 03-13-2011 07:14 PM

Little update. Jesse has been very busy with work so not much has been done to the FD. This weekend was dedicated to the 8. It got a full clay bar, wash and Zaino so it is looking pretty damn good.

He spent a lot of time perfecting the carbon/kevlar air box and it looks really good. We need to bring it to a painter and have it clear coated and then it will be finished. I had the radiator and the inter-cooler anodized black. They look pretty sweet all black.

We bought a huge roll of that 3-M carbon fiber wrap stuff and Jesse has been wrapping a few little things in that. He is also wrapping the backs of the Bride seats with the carbon fiber to get rid of that gaudy silver sparkly back. It has turned out to be a bigger project than he planned, so that may take a while before it is done.

I should have a package arriving from Japan this week. My project has been the interior and I just had to have this little goodie. Will post picks of it once it arrives.

Some progress shots

The black inter-cooler with the airbox

one of the fuse boxes wrapped in the carbon fiber stuff

And Speedjunkie, this one is for you. This shot of the fuse/relay box is from underneath the car.

speedjunkie 03-14-2011 03:44 PM

I like the black radiator and IC. I got my IC powdercoated black all except for the fins. Other than that my engine bay will look quite a bit like yours, sorry haha.

Thanks for the pic! I ended up mounting mine a bit different. I pulled it down and bolted it to the front of the crossmember with the lid facing towards the front of the car. But I did use the riv-nuts.

It's looking good Joffs!

RCCAZ 1 03-17-2011 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by MrsJoff (Post 143339)

Some progress shots <snip> of the fuse boxes wrapped in the carbon fiber stuff

Oh, now you've gone and done it. Gonna have to have that!!! ;)

MrsJoff 04-01-2011 03:07 PM

My splurge for the FD finally came. Since I am doing the look of a Spirit-R interior, I thought I would put one true Spirit-R piece in there.

It looks amazing in person. The gauges are not white like they look in the picture. They are kind of a shimmery silver color. Very nice. I can't wait to finish the interior. It is going to look incredible.

hades 04-01-2011 06:43 PM

NICE. Better not be some lame April Fools joke:smilielol5:

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