View Full Version : Odd electrical problem?

10-12-2009, 12:13 AM
2006 MT, ~6k miles.

About 6 months ago I was cruising along ~40mph, and DSC, TC, & KEY lights came on and the TAC & MPH dropped to 0 all at the same time. Just for a second, then TAC & MPH back to normal, then a bit later to 0 again. Happened two or three times, and the engine was running fine, didn't sputter or miss a beat. After a while the DSC light went out, but the other lights stayed on until I reached my destination.

Over the past 6 months it has happened again 3-4 times. Seems to usually occur on the first start/drive after it has been sitting a while. The other day DSC, TC, & KEY lights came on just a few minutes after starting and then 10 minutes later the TAC & MPH dropped to 0 4-5 times while crusing at 70mph. After I shut off the car and restarted it, everything seemed fine, and it didn't happen again for the rest of the day.

Any ideas?

10-17-2009, 04:45 AM
Still have warranty? If so, it might be a DSC module that needs to be program and updated.

I am personally not familiar with rx8s, however I am a BMW tech. Occasionally problems like that occur only when 1) a programming issue which needs software update 2) Something is internally damaged at the DSC module.

If you still have warranty, I would most defintely bring it back to a dealership and have them take a look at it.

Good Luck


10-18-2009, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the input. Still under warranty, so went ahead and had the dealer check it out. Of course it wouldn't do it for them, so they just printed out the codes and told me to bring it back when it did it again.
U0073 EPS
U0100 RKE
U0073 PCM
U2516 SASM

10-23-2009, 02:26 AM
Thanks for the input. Still under warranty, so went ahead and had the dealer check it out. Of course it wouldn't do it for them, so they just printed out the codes and told me to bring it back when it did it again.
U0073 EPS
U0100 RKE
U0073 PCM
U2516 SASM


Rotary Related
11-30-2010, 01:25 PM
I agree with the battery comment. Possibly bad battery connection or a bad ground under the dashboard somewhere that effects all the hardware mentioned. My first guess is a loose battery terminal. If they wiggle at all they arent tight enough. Its common on RX8s that the terminal wont stay tight.

12-09-2010, 01:38 PM
i am having a simmilar issue as well. well sorta. it only happens once or twice every three days but im taking it to mazda tomorrow anyway but still what do you guys think. at idle if i do anything electrical mainly turn the steering wheel the lights dim and the morot dies. it actually died once from useing my blinker and turn signal at the same time. and after i do this the dsc light comes on and the "out of control skidding car light" comes on and they both stay on. the batery and alternator are both good. im thinking a relay or something??? plz help so these dicks at mazda dont screw me and say i need this that and the other thing. they are known to do that at the dealer in my town..

12-14-2010, 08:32 PM
Will- you know i like like 5 mins from you and can fix this is 5 mins as well.. The problem is the Battery connectors.. Make sure they are clean and really tight.. the OEM connectors really arnt the best