View Full Version : New to the forum

09-10-2009, 02:24 PM
Hello everyone! I am new to the forum but not rotaries.
This is my 93.


And the 85 I just picked up


09-10-2009, 04:13 PM
welcome to the site! Great cars! The FB is real clean. You should make a little posting in the Rotary Rides section for the FD

09-10-2009, 04:32 PM
Welcome to the forum! Visit us and post often. Keep us updated on any rotary projects you have! If you have any parts to buy or sell this is the place it's free to list rotary parts. We have over 40 vendors who would be glad to help.

If your at sevenstock look us up! If not you can watch us at sevenstock live streaming on the web. Test and tuning of the live feed is going on here http://rotarycarclub.com/myVideo.html If the cam is active you'll see the video.