View Full Version : Cracked Hose.

08-22-2009, 11:08 AM

The antifreeze hose that runs from the engine to the firewall on my N/A AT 1986 RX7 is cracked. Dose anyone know where I can find a replacement hose? All I have been finding are radiator hoses.


08-22-2009, 11:24 AM
Ive gone to auto-parts stores an just got some universal heater hose.
I forget the diameter. Be sure to measure the diameter from the old one.
I get about 2 feet of the hose.

Or I'm sure you can order the "actual" heater hose from parts stores or the dealership.

08-22-2009, 12:05 PM
check out atkinsrotary.com i think they have it there. IM 99% sure they should have your hose(s). when did this happen while driving or just replacing hoses for good measure?

08-22-2009, 01:20 PM
This happened yesterday. It cracked while I was driving. A buzzer went off so I pulled into a parking lot. Antifreeze was going everywhere. The car won't even start now. I had to get it towed to get it home.

Earlier today, I stopped at to two auto stores and they told me that they did not have the hose I needed and that they were unable to order them. They also told me that it would be hard to find because its a pre-bent hose.

All the hoses I have found are the two that come off of the radiator. The real bizarre part is that my Haynes repair manual dose not even mention the hose I need.

I don't live near a Mazda dealer. If I call one up, do you think they would send me one, or do I have to make a trip out there?

Thanks for the quick responses. I will check out atkinsrotary.com. I don't about the universal hose. Both stores told me that I should find the actual hose because of the bends.

08-22-2009, 01:45 PM
If you want an exact replacement, it has to come from a Mazda dealer.
Generic auto parts stores do not carry this part.
You can rig it with generic heater hose...

No, Mazda dealers, in general, do not ship parts out to your door.


08-22-2009, 02:10 PM
I don't live near a Mazda dealer. If I call one up, do you think they would send me one, or do I have to make a trip out there?
There are a couple of dealers that you can call and have the part shipped to you. One in particulare is Trussville Mazda in Birmingham, AL (800) 633-8285. Another is Ray Crowe at Malloy Mazda in Woodbridge, VA. Look up their phone number on the web.

Also try Mazdatrix.com. They may have it also.

08-23-2009, 12:01 AM
I did not find it at mazdatrix.com. I did find it at atkinsrotary.com. It looks just like the one that broke.

Whats the pros or cons of using a universal hose over a molded hose? Is there another type of hose out there?

08-23-2009, 12:00 PM
Stock, OEM, molded heater hose
PRO - drop-in fit
CON - price, only available through Mazda OEM parts dealers

Generic heater hose
PRO - cheap
CON - easy to find -> you can get it from almost any auto parts store, not drop-in -> requires you to reroute hose and be careful not to kink it!


08-23-2009, 12:02 PM
If you intend to do this, be very careful when removing the hose from the fittings on the firewall.
The fittings are very soft brass, and it's very easy to crimp them.
Once crimped, it's very hard to bend them back into shape and have them seal well.


08-23-2009, 02:33 PM
so true! ^^^

08-23-2009, 05:53 PM
Part Number is fb03-61-2110 if it is for a turbo fb01-61-211c

08-23-2009, 09:52 PM
"Part Number is fb03-61-2110 if it is for a turbo fb01-61-211c

Well, it's not that one, it's http://www.atkinsrotary.com/store/product.php?productid=16501&cat=655&page=1

It sounds to me that the easiest thing to do is just order it from atkinsrotary.com.

"If you intend to do this, be very careful when removing the hose from the fittings on the firewall.
The fittings are very soft brass, and it's very easy to crimp them.
Once crimped, it's very hard to bend them back into shape and have them seal well."

I have already removed the hose to take it around town to find a replacement. I do not know if I crimped the brass. If I did, What should I do to fix it?

08-23-2009, 09:58 PM
Ok that the some one

08-24-2009, 01:01 AM
Yeah, if it were a radiator hose I'd be on the street by now. Thanks for looking into mazdatrix for me Dzire. I did not think they had it, but I could have missed it.

I wanna thank everyone for replying for me. It's been a lot of help. I Will get back to let you all know how it goes. I hope I did not mess up the brass.

08-24-2009, 07:16 AM
You can call ray at mallory mazda. Costs 29ish bucks with eight dollars shipping and he shipped to me in one day. Think it might have helped that I live three hours down the road but still not bad turn around.

08-24-2009, 12:55 PM
You can call ray at mallory mazda. Costs 29ish bucks with eight dollars shipping and he shipped to me in one day. Think it might have helped that I live three hours down the road but still not bad turn around.

Where is Mallory Mazda?

08-24-2009, 01:50 PM
Ray crowe ph 7034908263
Ray is a good guy

08-25-2009, 12:40 AM
I have already removed the hose to take it around town to find a replacement. I do not know if I crimped the brass. If I did, What should I do to fix it?
Getto rig style?
Use lots of RTV, put hose on, tighten clamp.
Leave overnight to dry.
Then fill with coolant the next day.


08-25-2009, 12:14 PM
What is RTV?

08-25-2009, 02:33 PM
What is RTV?
Look for something like this in any auto-part stores:


Permatex is common sealer.
Different colors have different sealing properties. You might want to read the back of a package of sealer to see what its good for.
Black sealant or Red sealant will be good for what you need.

08-26-2009, 03:46 AM
It's back on the road! I put a temporary universal hose onto it. It works, however, Up by the firewall the hose dose have a small kink. I will order the correct part soon, and use the universal hose as an emergency back up. The brass part is okay, I did not crimp it.

Thanks to everyone for the help. Also, thank-you RETed and N.Rotary for the RTV info.