View Full Version : FS FC 4 wheel big brake kit $1100

08-03-2009, 07:09 PM
As seen here, http://rotarycarclub.com/rotary_forum/showthread.php?t=4468&highlight=brake

What you will recieve,

4 Evo calipers in great shape but with the typical clear coat peeling.
4 new rotors, modified for conversion.
Modified front knuckles.
Custom ducted backing plates for 3" diameter cooling hose.
Modified rear uprights with new bearings and factory front studs installed to allow for up to 1/2" spacer.
Custom rear rotor spacers that center the EVO rotor to the RX7 hub.

Basically everything needed minus pads and hydraulics.

In addition, I will be available for any technical support required.

I have a considerable amount of time invested in this kit but my priorities have shifted to my NASA PTD W2W effort and it's time to start building my GTUs for competition.

PM me here or email at johnston777@gmail.com

08-07-2009, 01:51 PM
Price reduced to $950