View Full Version : Engine Install Check

07-25-2009, 04:47 PM
This is a stupid question I am sure but I would hate to put it all back together just to find out something is not right.

I pulled the old blown engine and just installed the new engine. I did not pull the transmission so I had to try and align it and slide it onto the transmission.

Is there a way to see if they are all together properly? the engine is up against the transmission so I assume the splines on the clutch and transmission must be aligned but should the rear tires spin if the eccentric shaft is turned whiles its in gear?

Just want to double check with others who have probably done this more times than me.


07-25-2009, 05:40 PM
Well possibly nevermind on this thread. Gave the more alittle lift on one side and it seemed to have moved in alittle more. Now the rear wheels turn while turning the shaft.


07-25-2009, 11:14 PM
If the transmission bell housing mates with the rear iron on the engine, you're good to go.


07-31-2009, 03:03 PM
Thanks! It was a retarded question but I like to try and double check things as best I can.

Also have another question and thought I would use my thread here vs starting a new one.

I am going through checks on the motor and the main thing I am concerned with is the oil getting where it should. My oil pressure gauge just pegs our when you turn the car on so I did what kevin says on his site and checked the oil filter and oil came out once it was loose. Oil is going to the oil pressure sensor as well.

My question now is how can I confirm the OMP system is working? I was able to use most of my omp lines except one but to my eyes it doesn't look like oil is in the new omp line. What is the best way to check this and how soon should oil being getting into the omp lines?


07-31-2009, 03:23 PM
Proper check for oil flow through the OMP lines is described in the FSM.
Basically, you need to pull one of the line and measure how much oil comes out over a timed period.
The specs are in the FSM.
