View Full Version : Hard to start when warm

05-19-2009, 05:53 PM
My Buddy owns an 04 4-port RX-8.
Car has 60K miles on it and is running strong.
As of the last couple of months, he's been having trouble starting the car when its warm, warm as in normal operating temps.
A simple stop at the gas station is a pain in the hiney, the motor will not catch fire.
If he lets it sit for 5-10 minutes it will start up after a few seconds cranking.
Cold starts is not an issue.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


05-19-2009, 07:25 PM
could be low compression.

also check to see if cat is clogged and if coils, plugs, and wires havent been replaced lately, now is the time.

05-21-2009, 06:13 AM
there is an updated spark plug reffered to in the parts catalogue as "hot version". its just the leading plugs that is updated I beleive. Might want to try that if 05rex8 checks out. compression test would the first thing to try anyways, so if he hasnt put new plugs in, may as well just get them and throw them in when you do the compression test.

David Jerome
05-22-2009, 10:11 AM
Tell him to take it to the dealership as it is still underwarranty and have them do a compression test and replace his engine. :)