View Full Version : FS - White GTU FC in Middle TN -$1400

05-15-2009, 03:54 PM
Some pics and info:

1990 White GTU that I was going to build into a GTUs clone. The Motor is bad, body is near perfect (other than white paint peeling like all white mazda's), has brand new windshield installed (cost me $432) and good interior. The FL Title is clean. This GTU has no sunroof, and manual windows and is the perfect TII conversion car due to being light weight.

90 White S5 with black interior (Rare and hard to find combo).
118K on the clock
Motor does not run - Have not looked into as why
Interior mostly there (98%)
Sitting on 3 rims and 1 spare. Other rim in hatch - tire leaks
Complete car
Clean FL title

Ok, I Got the car from FL and brought it home. Put in a brand new windshield in ($432) as I had plans to build this into a GTUs car with a TII motor. Well after several months I figured I need to let someone else take her and put her back on the road due to lack of time. If not I will keep her and build it one day. Until then I will drive my S5 with sunroof and power windows......

Get you a motor and drop it in. Do a little cleaning and you will have a nice White GTU.

POSSIBLE trades for other rotary's or a pick up truck.

05-15-2009, 07:21 PM
What is the exact year. What color interior.

05-16-2009, 08:46 AM
What is the exact year. What color interior.

90, Has black interior (in above description).
One dent in the body seen in the second picture above.
If the rain stops today I will move the car up close to the garage and get pics of the interior.
Rain stopped for a little bit and was able to get it moved up. Had to use my old camera due to light rain....... sorry its not as high res as the other.

05-16-2009, 06:41 PM
If it is an S5 White Exterior/Black Interior, it is a 1990. Just like mine.

All the 89 and 91's I have seen have blue interior on white S5's. Except for one 1991 White TII with black interior.

06-06-2009, 10:54 PM
MMMMM... Cant wait to get this home.

06-06-2009, 11:26 PM
RRTEC, does this mean I don't need to call you about my car?? lol

06-08-2009, 09:30 AM
I guess... I helped chad load this up yesterday.. But you can still PM me with a price... I have $ to spend..lol

11-01-2009, 07:41 PM
mods, you can close or delete this thread. Thanks