View Full Version : want to help you guys out.
03-09-2008, 01:37 AM
hey guys i am a welder and bender by trade. i wanna make a good write up for bending within .02 inches. this will work from brake lines to roll bars.
who is willing to retype my guide so it is easer to read. i can allso offer welding tips ect. tig, mig, arc ect ect.
03-09-2008, 02:03 AM
email me what you have to and I'll take a look.
03-09-2008, 08:29 AM
hey guys i am a welder and bender by trade. i wanna make a good write up for bending within .02 inches. this will work from brake lines to roll bars.
who is willing to retype my guide so it is easer to read. i can allso offer welding tips ect. tig, mig, arc ect ect.
I'd love to see a write up on welding, too. Which welder to use when, how to do basic welds, etc.
Where you from, Ben?
03-09-2008, 09:23 AM
tewksbury mass,the town thats on the south side of Lowell .
i make machines for the bio field. ill need some one to edit my guides because i have the habbit to ramble on ect lol.
i dont know whats wrong with this site when people reply to my post's they dont show up in my user cp.
all right ill need to fix my scanner for a little trig table. or find one online for the bending guide.
welding guide will be a bit harder. ill mainly look at mig then tig welding.
03-09-2008, 09:31 AM
Sweet, I'm in Rhode Island... Nice to know another local 7 guy. Especially one with your talents, because I want to do a lot of welding, expect me to ask a bunch of questions.
03-09-2008, 11:17 AM
Definatly would be interested in some welding guides. Glad to have someone here that is willing to do something like that, I know most of my welds look like pigeon shit.
03-09-2008, 11:23 AM
Definatly would be interested in some welding guides. Glad to have someone here that is willing to do something like that, I know most of my welds look like pigeon shit.
mine look the same as yours. for now all i've got is flux core wire for my lincoln mig.
03-09-2008, 11:25 AM
for the welding guide ill just give some tips ect for mig then tig. most wount be able to do tig its a black art.
where should i post this guide for some one to edit my spelling grammer mistakes.
03-09-2008, 11:58 AM
I'll also offer to edit your work.
You can send it to me at
I use language and the written word as my tools in trade, like you do with your craft.
Once finished, I'll ask one of the moderators on how it should be posted if you so wish.
03-09-2008, 12:25 PM
yeah i want it posted.
i was born def but when i was 6/7 the docs helped me out and fixed my hearing. it effected they way i read. i can sound words out extremly well when reading and scored high on vocab. but when sounding woulds out i have a hard time. plus i ramble alot.
03-09-2008, 02:09 PM
yeah i want it posted.
i was born def but when i was 6/7 the docs helped me out and fixed my hearing. it effected they way i read. i can sound words out extremly well when reading and scored high on vocab. but when sounding woulds out i have a hard time. plus i ramble alot.
You know ASL?
03-09-2008, 05:38 PM
We always need a good welder inhouse..Welcome..
03-10-2008, 03:16 PM
whats asl?
i wish i could get a sub forum made where peeps can just ask question
03-10-2008, 06:28 PM
what is ASL. i feel dumb.
so who s going to help me out rewriting the guide ect iam 90% done
03-10-2008, 06:30 PM
omg. yes i do know asl. slowly forgetting it i dont have any one to use it with since i was 7.
i cant believe it didn't click what you meant by it
03-14-2008, 02:33 PM
most wount be able to do tig its a black art.
I shocked the $iss out of my self with a tig 10 years ago...havent touched one since. When I think back on the moment, I lose feeling up to my elbow in my right arm, and hear the laughter of the other guys in the shop...
03-14-2008, 03:16 PM
lol i take it you where touching metal with you skin. if the welder has high frequency and your notot touching metal you can start a arc on your skin and it does not hurt you. its not really a arc per say. it looks like lighting bolts coming from the tungsten to your skin. if your touching metal then it feels like little zap.
if the metal your touching has the ground cable on it then your in a world of pain.
my old welding teacher saw i guy blow his thumb up like a hot dog blows up, split down the center. the guy was showing the trick of starting a arc on his hand to a new guy at the place they where working. his hand was to close to the table the current went from his tungsten then to the table.
the high frequency makes the arc jump from the tip of the tungsten to the metal so you dont have to strike a arc like, with arc welding. also when you tig welding on ac it's used so when it's switching back and forth it wont lose its arc.
up date i finish making the pictures i need for my bending guide. the write up will be done by Sunday. i had a few people offer to edit my work who still wants to.
03-21-2008, 09:58 PM
i need a place to host the pics and who wants to edit this
in this post ill explain how to bend perfect 90's and 45's.
some math you will need to know when laying out you bends. most benders radius is for the center line of the tube/pipe your bending. if its the out side radius minus half the tubes dim if its the in side radius add .
to figure out how much of the tube is takken up by the bend ie from the start of the bend to the end of bend is simple.
angle x radius x .01745.
so for a 90 bend with a 2.5 radius it would be
90x2.5x.01745 = 3.92625.
to figure out the center of the bend divide by 2.
to layout a 90 bend.
say from the start of the tube to the center line of the 90 bend you need 30 inches. just minus the radius from the dim mark the tube and bend. say you all ready have a 90 bend and you need another one after it. the center line to center line dim is 30. add half of the tube dim then minus the radius and that number will give you the point to mark on the tube if you comming from the out side of the tube.
any thing other then 90's you really need to layout on paper and know some math to make them work.
if you have a print its easy as pie .
03-21-2008, 10:12 PM
i bend stuff from .02 wall up to .25 the math should be the same . the wall thickness more or less just determines how much you have to over bend. like when you bend a 90 you mite bend it to 92 deg or 95 then it springs back. so you need some junk tube to learn on your benders and see how much you have to over bend for what angles. o yeah the 0 mark on benders (the point where the bend starts) isnt allways in the right spot so you mite want to put your mark a head or before the zero line on the bender.
to figure out the dim between the center of to angles other then 90 you need to know the run and rise. for 45 deg that number is all ways the same.what i mean is if you figure out what the run is it = the rise.
so to figure out the distance from halfway thou one bend to halfway thou another.
A=run B=raise C= center to center between two bends other then 90.
to find the center to center bend you have to do A(power of 2) + B(to the power of 2) = C(to the power of 2) for those who dont remember from 6th grade power of two just means AxA
when you have c find the square root(did i spell tat right) square root of c = center to center of each bend
this is part of the reason i listed the formula angel x radius x .01745 = lenght of a bend.if you dont do two bends in a row that are the same angle like a 45 then a 30 you need to take the center to center dim, minus half the lenght of the the second bend, add half the length of the first bend, then add that number to the dim you came with for laying out the frist bend.
but if your doing two bends that are the same angel in a row just add the center to center of each bend to the dim for laying out the frist bend.
03-22-2008, 06:50 AM
As for picture posting, I'd recommend it's free and very easy to use. I could take a look at editing your write-ups if you'd like, just let me know.
03-22-2008, 09:39 AM
any one can edit it i kept on getting behind on wrighting it up then i delted the file by mistake so i just started copy and pasting this from the guide i started on the evil site.
my email is put in subject edited guide thenill reread it and start a new thread where the mods tell me to post it with pics. then ill have a q&a after.
03-22-2008, 01:44 PM
can you post a link to the original thread where the guide is?
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