View Full Version : My new FC

need RX7
04-19-2009, 12:55 AM
Bought this car from nonturdbo in Texarkana, Texas. I was in desperate need for a car with a cleaner body and this one was definitely worth the drive.

The car is a 1986 base model with a solid as hell unibody. It has 82k miles and doesn't run due to electrical issues. The engine is fine and makes good compression, it just won't start. Hopefully I'll have it figured out soon (I have a few ideas floating around in my head). I got it close to starting a few times today, but no dice.


^somewhere in Illinois

zomg! I has rockers and quarters now!! :P


I'll get a few more pics after I wash it tomorrow.

04-19-2009, 04:47 AM
Glad to see you could go get it...
It's a good buy, especially since it's a hard top with no sunroof!
If I was closer, I would've picked it up in a heartbeat...


04-19-2009, 06:48 AM
Do I smell a turbo swap in the future?

Looks super clean man, I hope you can feel my envy.

04-19-2009, 08:20 AM

You will want to swap the hubs and brakes from the GXL, the SE's have poor brakes.

Your issue may be as simple as a vacuum line, try starting the car and floor the gas. If it runs at like 5,000 and misses and carries on, chances are it is a big vaccum leak.

04-19-2009, 08:26 AM
no bins/seats- wtf?
ps: hardtop ftw!

need RX7
04-19-2009, 01:23 PM
Hehe, the no-sunroof part was a big factor in the decision making process for this car :icon_tup:. And yeah, the 5-lug swap is next on the list after I get it running. And a TII swap is also in the future, after I get it to semi-restored status.

I plan on keeping this car for a long time, so I want to fix all the stuff that makes it feel like an old car. Such as, inner shifter bushings, door and hatch seals, suspension bushings, etc. Once that is done, I want to get some coilovers and some 17" BB$ R$s. I also want to fix the dings/dents/imperfections on the body and have it resprayed in the stock color (my uncle paints cars, so hopefully I'll get a good deal on this)

My goal is to basically have a really nice old car, that people will stop and look at and say 'Wow, this is very nice for it's age :rofl: Then shit bricks once they look under the hood (I plan on going all-out in the future, half-bridge, GT35R, etc)

04-19-2009, 02:27 PM
so, will you want to change your name to GOTSRX7? :lol: congrats on the purchase....I've never seen a binless FC.

04-19-2009, 07:28 PM
I've never seen a binless FC.

My 86 sport coupe came without bins, i thought bins were a rare option when i first got it and didnt know much about them.

04-19-2009, 09:30 PM
without bins seems impractical... but hey thats the way it came.. then thats the way it came.

04-20-2009, 07:56 AM
nice buy :)

I hope you discinnected the driveshaft when you towed the car like that.... i towed mine on a dolly as well but i put the rear wheels on the dolly so i didn't have to disconnect the driveshaft

The 87 FC i just picked up also doesn't have bins either

Good luck with the car, im in the same boat, have to figure out why it won't run lol

need RX7
04-20-2009, 02:11 PM
I hope you discinnected the driveshaft when you towed the car like that....

Ha, actually I didn't. We tried getting it off in Texas, but it was on there really tight (seemed like we'd need air tools to get it off) and there was no room for a breaker bar under there. Plus there was this gnarly-ass spider right above my head when I was under there, so I was like 'fuck it'. I figure if the trans goes out, I could either swap in my old one or buy a new one for candy and change.

need RX7
04-20-2009, 08:19 PM
Well, I did a comp test earlier, and I have 30 psi in the front rotor and 0 in the rear. :( I guess I should have seen it coming, I was kind of pushing my luck thinking I'd be able to get an 82k mile rust free chassis with a good motor for $500. Anyone selling a rebuild kit and possibly some housings for less that retail? :) I hate to perpetuate the stereotype of a 'broke, cheap-ass FC owner' but I'm pretty much boned for a while. :(

I guess it's kind of a blessing in disguise, since the engine bay is really dirty, and having the motor out will give me a chance to clean it out really nice. I don't really want to swap in my other motor, since it has 202k miles already.

need RX7
05-21-2009, 07:25 PM
So I may have found a TII motor, trans and ECU locally for $550. The guy says he bought it for $1300 to use in a kit car, realized it didn't fit and wants to get rid of it now. I know it's kind of risky to buy a motore without seeing the results of a compression test, but I figure if it turns out to be blown, I coulc make most of the money back. The TII trans would be worth at lewast $200, maybe $75-100 for the ECU, a couple hundred for the good rotor and housing, the irons, various external parts, etc.

And if it's not blown, it's a good-ass deal for a turbo motor and trans :001_005: Hopefully I'll be able to come up with the rest of the money before someone else nicks it (I hate being a typical broke FC owner :( :rofl:)

05-21-2009, 07:29 PM
good deal, get it. Like you said, if it's low comp then sell the good parts and at least break even.

need RX7
05-22-2009, 02:10 PM

Someone else got to it first :icon_tdown::o10::(:banghead:

05-22-2009, 09:21 PM
Binless FC....... never seen one of those before.

nice buy :)

I hope you discinnected the driveshaft when you towed the car like that.... i towed mine on a dolly as well but i put the rear wheels on the dolly so i didn't have to disconnect the driveshaft

The 87 FC i just picked up also doesn't have bins either

Good luck with the car, im in the same boat, have to figure out why it won't run lol

Why bother disconnecting the driveshaft? I never understood doing that on manual cars........ there's just no need to.

Either way though, I would've towed it with the car transport. I've done that many times with my FC on my XJ and never had a problem. The surge brakes are SOOOOOOOO nice to have. A few weeks ago a good friend of mine and I went to MD to pick up his buddies Mustang vert. That pig + trasport was > the rating on the XJ so we rented a dolly instread. It was fucking MISERABLE towing with that fucking POS in the rain


Someone else got to it first :icon_tdown::o10::(:banghead:

I've got some useable TII housings and a pair of rotors and a set of S4 irons if you're interested

05-30-2009, 02:37 AM
Nice buy. How much does that FC weigh since it basically optionless?

need RX7
05-30-2009, 03:06 AM
Nice buy. How much does that FC weigh since it basically optionless?

Not sure, I'd guess 2650-2700-ish.

By now it's probably down to about 2550 since the seats are out and the block is stripped down to nothing at the moment :rofl:, it'll lose a couple hundred more pounds in a few days when the engine and trans come out :icon_tup:.

Damn it, I'm still bummed about that TII stuff :(

I've got some useable TII housings and a pair of rotors and a set of S4 irons if you're interested

No thanks on those, I'm trying to concentrate on just getting another n/a engine right now. I don't have the budget to piece together a turbo engine setup at the moment. Thanks for offering them up though.

I'm working on a deal with a local guy that I hope works out, he's trying to sell his '90 n/a, but he says if it doesn't sell in a couple days he's going to keep the car but pull the engine and start on a TII swap. If that happens, he's going to sell me the n/a motor and transmission and an aftermarket clutch for $550 or $600 (can't remember which :lol:) Then I'll have to put all my S4 sensors and injectors and stuff onto it so I can run it on my S4 ECU. I've been working on electronic activation for the 6pi and VDI using an electric air pump.

Either way I have plenty of stuff to keep me occupied in the meantime. I'm currently working on re-looming my emissions harness, then once the engine comes out the engine bay needs a hell of a scrub :lol:.