View Full Version : FS: 87 Mazda Rx7 SE Birmingham, AL

Red Dragon
04-13-2009, 10:15 AM
Ok I hate to get rid of this car but I'm trying to get my hands on a TurboII model within a few weeks. First I will go ahead and come out with what all I know that is wrong with the car.

1. Drivers side exhaust is busted. Will probably be fixed soon.
2. Shifter bushings are worn.
3. Has minor grounding issues. Will be fixed soon.
4. Accelerated warm up or Cold start assist has gone bad (I think, since I have to manually warm the car up when it's cold)
5. There is a VAC leak somewhere. ( I can hear it but haven't had time to find it.)
6. Exterior is in good condition with the exception of both front fenders having a little damage. (pics coming soon)

Other than those issues, the car runs great. Not sure of the mileage on the engine but the chassis has close to 200k on it. I was told the engine had been rebuilt once before but I do not have paperwork to prove this. I've warmed this car up and driven it plenty of times all over this state and haven't had a problem with it. Never overheated or anything since I've owned it. As the car sits now, I'm asking $1000. Over the next few weeks I will be replacing and fixing some stuff on it and that will probably make the price increase just a little. If noone buys then I may just keep it...