View Full Version : Rx3 Info and Advice wanted...

04-01-2009, 10:05 AM
Hi Guys,

Looking for some info if anyone can help!

Im looking at getting an Rx3 coupe with the intention of sticking the Engine and box from my FD into it...

There is only 1 Rx3 that i know of in Ireland and is on a standard 12A...

Will i have any problems with the swap ? ie are the engine mounts the same and will the box fit the tunnel ?

Also anything else that i might need to know please share, i'd be very grateful!


04-01-2009, 05:33 PM
$$$$$ If you want to try to transplant the drivetrain as is. Not the same mounting at all. Quite a bit of fabrication. Converting to earlier mounting might not be too bad.
76 to 85 front covers would fit, I would be a little concerned with the one less mounting bolt on the top of cover. Early 13B pan would work, looses 3 bolts in rear but that probably wouldn't be an issue. Steering would be the concern. You could mount a clutch fan to the water pump 84/85. Wouldn't think slave or fork would be much of a problem.
I imagine the lads downunder and Puerto Rico have a handle on it though. Other fab point would be the trans mount, which shouldn't be too difficult.

I think I remember seeing one in one of the Rotary Rags from Oz, it might have been Hottest Fours & Rotaries.

04-02-2009, 04:14 PM
You can change the front engine cover from a RX7 12a (maybe earlier 13b??) for the front engine mounts. You'll need to make a new front mount braket to move the motor/tranny back to make room for an electic fan. The RX3 tranny tunnel has a fair bit of room so tranny should fit, may have to deal with room for the clutch fork and the oil pan will cause you grief. Dry sump or custom oil pan. You will have to deal with the shifter location. If you move the battery back to the trunk(boot?) you'll have room for the turbo.

I'ts all been done and yes the auzie web site is a wealth of info.

04-03-2009, 04:24 AM
Will check it out lads thanks for the Reply :)

Proxy One
04-06-2009, 11:11 AM
Im thinking of doing this too one day, but with rx2. I have a 13B-rew block just chillin and it would be nice to put it in the Deuce. But I would probably go NA for simplification or maybe small single turbo if I went fuel injection.

04-06-2009, 11:31 AM
This is what I know..

Old school rotary has engine mount thru front cover.. So, you would either have to modify sub frame to accept rear iron plate mount or use front cover from older 13B or 12A to the 13B REW. But if you do that, you might loose placement for crank angle sensors... which means, you might have to custom make the bracket for it (shouldn't be too hard).

After that, you just need to make sure shifter placement is in order and hook up electic gauges instead of mechanical. Then use Power FC to control your engine...

I thought about this,.. maybe one day this would be my next project... But I'm thinking about putting NA carb'd 20B in instead.

Proxy One
04-06-2009, 12:05 PM
Yeah I know its alot of work, which is why ill probably just do a NA 13B, we shall see, I may do nothing and just do a P-Port 12A. Who knows its still just thoughts at this point.

04-12-2009, 09:05 AM
idk if this helps but..

we just stuck a turboII 13bt in our rx3. we used the tapped gsl-se front cover and oil pan. hell we even moved the motor back 3 inches so we could put an intercooler infront of the griffin rad. the waterpump pulley is long and would hit otherwise.... but ive seen electric water pumps on race cars, i just never looked into it.

oh but were running a 13b NA tranny with a shortened driveshaft

07-28-2009, 09:32 AM
I know this thread is a bit old but just in case your still wondering on how too stuff that rew in your rx3.... Here's what I've done on my Rx3 with the 13brew T2 trany. It's been done may time before and with very little modification. You'll need a first gen Rx7 front cover as mention before to fit the motor into the stock Rx3 motor mount. The Turbo 2 trany is a bit too bulky at the very end to fit in the tunnel. the only modification you will need is to shave the two post on both side of the tunnel, this the one you bolt your transmission mount into. One last thing you'll need to do is shorten the transmission tail section, this will shorten the transmission by 4" allowing it to line up in the shifter hole on the floor. Oh almost forgot you'll need a new drive shaft.