View Full Version : Custom Transmission Mount

03-11-2009, 05:38 PM
My car had the transmission swapped from and automatic to a manual and right now I have the rotaryressurection method for the mounts in my car right now, but now the transmission doesn't sit level anymore and I'm looking for a stornger way to mount it in. I came upon a thread in the archives on the other forum and I was wondering if there was a way to get these mounts without having to have them made since I dont have access to a welder and the steel. I was going to ask the author of the thread but he said he doesn't make them anymore.

03-11-2009, 05:47 PM
why not just buy a manual transmission crossmember from mazdatrix?

Or do not all FC have both sets of mounting points? My S5 vert has both sets of bolt holes for either the auto or manual transmission.

03-11-2009, 05:56 PM
Yea I don't have both mounting points in my car, I already have the manual crossmember but it's not doing me any good right now lol.

EDIT: I forgot to mention in my first post that I have an S4 if that makes a difference for anything.

03-11-2009, 06:07 PM
aww, that SUCKS! I did not know that S4 cars had this problem... maybe somebody more knowledgeable could help you?

03-11-2009, 06:15 PM
Yea it does suck, I noticed that on the auto crossmember the center bushing is worn out, I know they arent supposed to hold any weight but could that be the problem why the transmission still sags down when i tighten everything up?

03-11-2009, 08:59 PM
hey max what year is your car i have a 90 vert and am doing the swap also so should it have the holes for both?

03-11-2009, 10:14 PM
Only the verts have both mounting holes for the crossmember. Doesn't matter if its an S4 or S5 coupe... you will have to use a custom mount that will make it work. Very easy to do if you use RR's specs. I used it on my S5 coupe back when we did my swap and it worked great for 2.5 years. Sold the car sadly.

03-11-2009, 11:13 PM
But that's the thing I'm trying to figure out why it's sagging and not working right when I did follow RR's specs.

03-12-2009, 12:00 AM
You will just have to fab something up to push the transmission up. We did it on my old S5 and it worked great. But I wish I had a picture of my actual setup for you. Unfortunately I do not so best of luck.

03-12-2009, 03:35 PM
Do you remember what you did to support it, if you do would you be able to explain to me how you did it?

03-12-2009, 05:13 PM
turns out you where wrong all verts dont have both mounts. mine seems to be missing. lol

03-13-2009, 03:56 PM
Does anyone know any other ways I could reinforce the mount so that it is level or show me pictures of their mounting job so I could see if maybe I did it wrong?

03-22-2009, 03:20 PM
same as above?

05-04-2014, 05:58 AM
Guess this isn't as easy on our cars. I will be attempting this soon.

05-04-2014, 07:56 AM
Please try not to resurrect threads like this.
The original thread ended over 5 years ago.

I'm closing this for now.
If anyone has a good reason to reopen this thread, please PM me.
