View Full Version : Clutch Problems

02-13-2009, 10:03 AM
I had a new clutch installed in my '04 RX8 a couple of months ago. Since then, I've been having problems shifting.

The gears don't seem to engage with any consistency. Sometimes it's very smooth, sometimes it seems to slip a little, and sometimes it catches the gear all at once. Almost like I dumped the clutch (usually resulting in the car stalling). It normally only happens in 1st and 2nd, particularly from a stop or on hills. Last week, however, it slipped really badly as I shifted into 3rd. The RPMs shot up to about 6k, then wound down and caught around 3.5k.

Also, I have been having a lot of difficulty moving from a stop. Again, sometimes it launches very smoothly. But most of the times it surges as it accelerates. As if there are severe hot spots on the flywheel. But I just had the flywheel resurfaced when the clutch was installed. I also have an issue if I try to disengage 1st gear too quickly as it just begins to pull. For example: If I'm pulling out into traffic and realize a car is approaching faster than I thought, I push the clutch in and stop. But when I push the clutch in, the car shudders fairly violently, as if the car is about to stall. But the clutch is on the floor. So how could the gear be catching at all?


9G Redline
02-13-2009, 10:09 AM
I've never heard of that problem. I got a new clutch put in my car (OEM replacement) last month when they replaced my engine. I did not have the flywheel resurfaced and mine's still driving just fine. My only thought would be the cable needs some form of adjustment. (this is a guess)

When does it do each of those problems? Is the car warm or cold or does it do it more or less on different types of days with the weather?

02-13-2009, 05:54 PM
Whenever it damn well pleases. But it is noticeably worse when cold.

02-17-2009, 10:56 AM
The stock clutch pedal has a few weak spots and some owners report it snapping off altogether. Check the spot welds on the pedal bracket assembly where it bolts to the car. May need a pedal adjustment. Could be the trans fluid, the GL-5 that Mazda used to recommend, and I assume they still use is not good for the soft brass syncros, it's has to many friction modifiers to make it more viscous which is great for differentials, but doesn't allow the syncros to has enough friction to speed up to where it needs to be. So maybe a switch to a GL-4 is in order.

02-17-2009, 02:03 PM
who installed your clutch?
Bose makes an excellent point, our clutch pedals have some weak points in them and I've seen several of them bend / break.