View Full Version : WTF? starting, idle problems

need RX7
02-12-2009, 06:43 PM
So I finally got my FC running right and on the ground. I just tried to start it to pull out in the driveway and it won't crank. It makes a click sound, then some random buzzer starts going off and the tach climbs up to 3k (not cranking at all, keep in mind) The lights also go way dim when this happens. I just started it less than an hour ago to check the timing and it ran perfectly. I'm guessing something is shorted out somewhere, where should I check?

Agh, I swear this car has a mind of it's own. It knows how to build up my hopes then smash them to pieces... fucking bitch... :o10:

need RX7
02-12-2009, 06:51 PM
I just went and fiddled with it some more. If I turn the interior lights on and try to crank it, the lights immediately turn off and still nothing happens.

Battery is brand new.

need RX7
02-12-2009, 07:44 PM
NVM, cleaned the battery terminals and it's fine now.