View Full Version : HELP!!! sticky brakes

02-12-2009, 09:36 AM
Hey guys im having a problem with my front right calaper sticking after you drive around for about 15 min. i have changed the brake lines, blead the brakes, and changed the hard ware and the problem still prosists. if anyone can help please post. Btw its on a 91 s5 with 4piston claipers with solid suspension

02-12-2009, 09:51 AM
Hey guys im having a problem with my front right calaper sticking after you drive around for about 15 min. i have changed the brake lines, blead the brakes, and changed the hard ware and the problem still prosists. if anyone can help please post. Btw its on a 91 s5 with 4piston claipers with solid suspension

Strangely enough, I had something pretty much exactly happen on an S4. In my case, there was corrosion on the piston causing it to stick out once the brake was released.

I also had a problem where all the brakes would do that, and after changing the master cylinder and all the calipers, I finally replaced the brake booster, and it's been fine ever since. *shrug*

02-12-2009, 10:14 AM
By changing the hardware you mean...? I suppose you could have a bad piston. Is there abnormal wear on the pad (i.e. diagonal wear showing that a specific piston is sticking)?

02-12-2009, 11:24 AM
Change the pads?
Rebuilt the brake caliper?


02-12-2009, 04:55 PM
Get a rebuilt caliper from your local parts stores.

02-12-2009, 06:56 PM
thanks guys just orderd new calipers today. i hope it fixes it