View Full Version : Jimbo is here

03-05-2008, 01:37 PM
I have come over from the "evil" forum like many. My name is Jim, as you probably guessed from the title. A little backround history, my name "red-ricer" was so kindly granted to me in high school and has stuck since then. I was dubbed red-ricer because if you didnt drive a Monte, Cutlass, Trans Am, etc. you were a ricer....My car was red and was from there on out red-ricer. The car is an 87 SE. It is everything but that at this time. To list a few mods, Borg Warner S475, full BP, water injection, 1680cc secondaries, 890cc primarys, and so on. To keep the list short, I have all of the supporting mods. It is still a work in progress, but is nearing completion very soon, I would say within the next month. I look forward to being a part of the new forum.

Turbo II
03-05-2008, 02:17 PM
Welcome man. Pics of that bad boy?