View Full Version : Greetings from NoVA

01-06-2009, 03:07 PM
Hi guys, been registered here a while but haven't posted until today. I've had my FD for just over 3 years now and a lot has happened in that time. I think it's best summarized on my reader's ride profile page on GRM. Check it out here!


And if you're bored, you can check out my other project car that I've been abusing for the last 8 years too ;)



01-06-2009, 03:31 PM
nice! welcome to the forum!

01-06-2009, 05:18 PM
About time you came over here.

Now we need to start a Dulles meet thread in here..... can't wait for warmer weather!!

BTW - when were you in GRM? I havent started getting my new subscription since i renewed my NASA license... sucks I missed a local guy getting some attention! Think they'll ever feature ur Mitsu?

I am doing NASA-X NXD class w/ the 8 this year, but I plan to watch some of the time trials and hill climbs... look forward to seeing you out there! Good job on that body work too BTW... looks much better!

01-07-2009, 12:30 PM
Yea, winter is always slow and boring. No racing, no meets, nothing. At least it's time to work on the cars ;)

GRM did a "buyer's guide" article on the FD maybe about a year ago? I'm thinking Sep/Oct 2007 timeframe. It didn't feature any specific cars/owners, but they did use a picture of my car from the track on two full pages! Of course, it was right after I had got the car and I was using my Galant wheels on it, and the gas door was flapping around in the breeze, and the paint on the hood was all faded... I guess that's why it's GRM!

Thanks! I'd love to attend some hill climbs -- I sort of looked into doing it before and I think I have just about everything needed to participate. Maybe 2009 will be the year? I was thinking time trials would be good too, but the FD in very minimal, near-stock condition is classed higher up than a fully stripped and modified-to-hell s2000. Not sure I like those odds.

01-07-2009, 02:32 PM
Yea, I agree on the classifications. Thats why I'm doing auto-x and a few HPDEs for now with the 8 and not TT or hill climbs... although fun, not worth the $$ to lose :)

01-09-2009, 03:14 PM
Have you ever autox'd with CDC? I run a handful of their events a year. It's a pretty laid-back affair: no classes or anything.