View Full Version : FC Turbo II R&P vs. FD R&P

12-12-2008, 03:31 PM
I know the Torsen from an FD fits into the Turbo II but what about the ring and pinion? I am in a quest for a ring and pinion option for my turbo II rear end but nothing has come my way. I know Knight sports make a 4.77 for the FD so i am hoping there is some cross compatibility.

12-12-2008, 03:39 PM
okay so these seem to NOT be interchangeable....i wonder about the front carrier...

12-15-2008, 04:30 PM
Rings are the same.
Pinions are different.


06-04-2009, 01:11 PM
Rings are the same.
Pinions are different.


Both 8" right?
And RX-8 is 7" right?

I will try to adapt some Toyota 8" Ring&Pininon into our TII diffs, probably 4.88 ratio :)

06-07-2009, 10:58 PM
RX-8 is 8" AFAIK.