View Full Version : RoTechniks open day 24th Jan 2009

12-09-2008, 04:58 AM
Some may or may not know that RoTechniks went in to receivership approx 3-4 months ago, RoTechniks have been servicing and maintaining just about every rotary car you care to mention.

RoTechniks was started by the late Simon Kremer and his father who is still tinkering and involved with rotaries will be here to open the new RoTechniks, as I dont want its roots to be forgotten. The Simon Kremer memorial cup that we held 6 years ago will become a regular cup/challenge and all money raised will go to a Cancer charity.

So as not to let this rotary institution die and to further my business I have bought the company and it should be open again in next couple of weeks, although I have my fingers crossed for Dec 15th. I am having an open day on the 24th of Jan 09, which may not be the best time or weather for bikes, but we would love to see you there.
There will be lots of activity in the 12 to 3pm open day and a good representation of cars, to date I know of 1 x drag RX7 fd, 1 x circuit car RX7 fd Raced in Britcar and at the Dubai 24hr and maybe 1 x Nippon Challenge car, 3 x RX7 fd drift cars, 1 x rally prep RX7 FB, a very rare 1 of only 2 in world convertible NSU RO80's. 2-3 other RO80's for sure and the NSU club has been invited. A rare RX7 TWR fb, a rare RX4 13b and several great customer cars. There will be a couple of stunt bikes performing a few tricks (unfortunately piston powered) and it would be great to have some rotary bikes.
At weekend a band will be confirming there attendance, though Im 99% sure they will be there.
Several magazines have promised to be there, Jap Performance, Banzai, Retro to date, others Im waiting confirmation on.

If you can make it it would be very much appreciated even if not with bike, but just to say hi.

24th Jan 2009

RoTechniks Ltd
Unit 4 Lambwood Hill Industrial Estate

More information will be posted later on our site
www.rotechniks.uk.com (still being built)

12-09-2008, 10:27 AM
Sounds like it will be a good event! Take lot's of photo's and post them. We could possible due an article on it in RCCD.

12-14-2008, 12:37 PM
Awesome - this is just down the road from me... if i won't be there in the FD then will come down to take some pics and enjoy the day anyway...

glad to hear that RoTeck are back :D

12-14-2008, 02:01 PM
that is very cool...congrats on the new venture and open house. Take plenty of pics and good luck.

01-18-2009, 08:27 PM
We have now so many rare cars, a event like this is small in numbers compared to the USA but it will be the biggest event of ALL rotaries ever held in UK.
We should have approx 50 Rotarys on day , maybe more.

But we have some of the coolest cars coming.

Top of the bill is the only Rotary Corvette I have ever heard of and read about.

We have much more on the event on our section here.


01-25-2009, 02:55 AM
WOW what a day - good day out - good hog roast and lots of rotarys! silly amounts!!

Will get my pics/video up later when I'm home from work...

02-03-2009, 06:32 AM
a bit late but better than never !



Many more pics here : L I N K (http://www.mazdarotaryclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54712&page=2)