View Full Version : I think I messed up my car... great...

12-02-2008, 06:04 PM
ok, so my car was running weird, and this is what I just found:


In the article, it says that the 02 sensor wire is shielded, and that he tried to fix it with a spade connector, and that this ended up shorting the circuit.

Well, since I bought a racing beat header, I used crimps, and a piece of normal wire to extend the wire back to it's original location.

Well, how bad did I mess up? Will I need to buy another ECU now?

12-02-2008, 06:08 PM
get out a multimeter and see what the resistance of the circuit is

12-02-2008, 07:00 PM

now, how exactly would I go about that?

like, KOEO (Key On Engine Off), then set the meter to Ohms and check red to connector and black to ground?

Or should I have the key off?

I have a multi meter, but the circuit is only one wire? Also, the car will not run right now, so can i still measure it? Also, what do you think gets shorted, the sensor itself, or something in the wiring like a resistor in the ECU?

The guy talks about a wire that goes out of the loom (harness?) so maybe it's just the harness wire that is shielded and not the sensor wire from connector to sensor?

That would actually make sense, because the harness wire runs along side all those other wires, while the sensor wire hangs free for the most part...

12-02-2008, 07:44 PM
mine didnt look insulated, the inside the harness one did though.

12-02-2008, 08:08 PM
Ok, well that does help, this article did mention specifically about the harness side wire so...

Great! This means that everything should be fine at least with this part of the car, lol.

12-02-2008, 09:36 PM
You never should have current running through a circuit it when checking resistance, you will blow your DVOM.

12-02-2008, 10:59 PM
Is that with ohms too? I know a couple people in my class popped a fuse when they measured aperage wrong, but I didn't know that you can also do that on the Ohm's setting... althrough, I did just remember that you check resitance with circuit off... lol.

Well, thanks for reminding me before i messed up some equipment! :D

12-03-2008, 12:11 AM
the idea would be that you have no resistance between then say the O2 and probably one of the grounds on the ECU pinout. Well, you will have SOME resistance since all conductors have resistance, but there will be very very very little or it will be reading resistance on things it shouldnt. Would have to spend time with the FSM wiring diagrams to really get an idea of what the circuit is supposed to be

12-03-2008, 12:19 PM
Is that with ohms too? I know a couple people in my class popped a fuse when they measured aperage wrong, but I didn't know that you can also do that on the Ohm's setting... althrough, I did just remember that you check resitance with circuit off... lol.

Well, thanks for reminding me before i messed up some equipment! :D

Glad I could help :)