View Full Version : 13B 6PI engine in a Turbo II (less turbo)

10-29-2008, 03:34 PM
So....since my TII engine has taken a ride in that long black hearse, i have started down the path of what i need to do to get her running again. And like any good evil scientist, I have a plan.

This plan consists of two stages.

1. getting and installing a run of the mill 13B 6PI engine. Probably S4.

Now, how angry will the turbo II controls be without the boost? The reason i ask is below in phase 2

2. Camben supercharger. My stock turbo is extremely kaput. Being that i am also in a quest for some more "ooomph" i figure that by the time i spend the money on intercooler, new or heavily rebuilt turbocharger, so on and so forth, i could be pretty close to the Camben option (which i have been wanting to try for some time).

the s/c should be pretty content with the stock controls as far as i can tell. But i may run a MS unit and use the turbo II controls for my FB when i rebuild the turbo II engine later in '09. Should be easily tuned since s/c tend to be a more predictable item.

10-29-2008, 03:57 PM
If you have not already please read into the Camen SC kit.. From what I have heard it is VERY lack luster in performance compared to a turbo

Maybe something to think about before u drop the bone on doing the swap.

10-29-2008, 04:06 PM
If you have not already please read into the Camen SC kit.. From what I have heard it is VERY lack luster in performance compared to a turbo

Maybe something to think about before u drop the bone on doing the swap.

i have read up on it, talked to Dan personally, and have looked into the superchargers themselves. With my power goals (under 300 and better lower end) it fits well. Retaining the fuel injection will also benefit plus E85 will be the fuel of choice once the MS unit is up and running for it.

the biggest factor is the altitude hates on the turbochargers. Lag becomes a massive factor. The stock turbo doesnt really come on til about 5000 rpms here.

10-29-2008, 04:07 PM
sounds good, glad u looked into it ahead of time.. good luck.

10-31-2008, 09:29 PM
[my $.02]i am not sure that the rotary benefits any where near as much from a s/c as a boinger does. the rotary has a higher hp output, but not quite as high of a torque output, which is what you will need to turn a compressor. [/my $.02]

[my answer] on paper, it makes all kinds of sense. there isn't much left to it, but to do it.[/my answer]

11-01-2008, 12:36 AM
altitude is the other consideration. Turbos up here have massive lag issues. Superchargers wind up being much more responsive which is what i want. I am not a power monger so huge fancy numbers dont really appeal to me

11-01-2008, 08:44 AM
Hey just a suggestion instead of camden go pro charger. theres not a kit so you will have to go custom but from my studies you will get more from it. this would be my setup if i was going to do this, ex: street port the 6pi, lock the ports open for more air flow buy the pro charger+fmic(they look great on our cars) go with 680cc in the prims and 720cc or higher for 2nds(you said around 300 so this should be fine) run the intake pipe and filter to cold air. quick note the pro chargers are self cooled no oil lines no coolant lines running to it and when i called i think the lady on the phone said 12-16 psi normal pulley size. last but not least run a full exhuast