View Full Version : 'nother new guy

10-05-2008, 08:08 PM
Hey all. Just got my 04 VR GS yesterday after work. already killed about a tank and 3/4s. absolutely in love with it. If i had a choice, i would have picked a dark gray one, as some of the attention that a red sports car gets is a little unwanted (some tool in a corvette trying to race me on the 401 today) but thats buying a used car right. the metal flake that pops in the sunlight makes up for it though. Im new to RX8s, but not rotaries, my dad and i have an 84 GSLSE 7 that we've been not working on for years. lol. you know how father son projects can go. Anyways, i got a job a the local mazda dealer and the chance to finally finish my apprenticeship, and i love the place and love the cars so it was time to ditch the mitsu and step into something more respectable and less practicle. lol. anyways, hope to learn lots and maybe even teach if i get the chance to pass some of my limited knowledge on.




Oh, p.s. I love the beep!!!! haha

Red Dragon
11-14-2009, 09:56 AM
Welcome!! Love the 8, maybe someday I'll get rid of the fc and grab one of those.

11-14-2009, 10:44 AM
Woot! Another VR 8 owner. Love it! I too was in the market for a less vibrant color as I was worried about too much attention. Once I saw it in the direct sunlight I just had to have it. The Velocity Red Mica is a 3 stage pearlcoat color. After 3 years I have never been pulled over from the police and people always comment on how much they love the color. I show my car and many even think it was painted and not OEM. Enjoy!

11-17-2009, 08:33 PM
Welcome to the site!