View Full Version : RX-7 Owner Again

09-18-2008, 01:01 PM
Hi guys,

My first post is to say hello and to say I look forward to being a member of this forum.

I used to have an 1982 RX-7 when I was at the University of Georgia in the early / mid 80's. When I got my first job in 1986 I had to sell it to buy a 4 door car for work. Finally 22 years later I am an RX-7 owner again. I had been thinking about getting an RX-8, but something just kept me from pulling the trigger. I think I really wanted to find one of the 2nd generation RX-7's so I kept looking.

Nothing really looked good to me, but a few weeks ago, I came across a 1988 Black Convertable RX-7 with only 33,000 miles on it. That is not typo, 33,000 miles. To be honest, I am not a convertable person, but the price seemed too good to be true so I immediatly went to look at it, and took it for a ride. It drove great, and was in excellent condition, both inside and outside. It has always been garaged thus the excellent condition. I ran a carfax report and it came back with no problems.

I made an appointment with a Mazda specialist to take the car in for a pre purchase inspection and it came out with flying colors. In fact, the mechanic said if I don't buy this car, he will. The compression was fantastic. Interestingly, this same mechanic used to work at the other Mazda specalist that serviced my first RX-7 22 years ago. There are a few little things that will need to be fixed, but these are things that I can live with for the time being.

Except for the radio, everything on the car is origional including the tires. But, I am not going to drive a car with 20 year old tires, so this weekend I am having 4 new Michigan Pilot Exalto A/S tires put on.

I did replace the door speakers, and now the Alpine radio sounds great. I will also be scheduling a 30,000 mile service this week.

The speakers in the headsets do not work, but only because I will need to add an amplifer because when the original owner replaced the origional sterio they had to remove the orgional mazda amplifer.

That's it for now, but I promise I will add pictures soon.

09-18-2008, 01:03 PM
wow, nice find!! WElcome to the club. Don't forget to vote for next month's Rotary Of The Month contest (see my signature)

09-18-2008, 09:37 PM
Welcome to the '88 Black RX7 Vert club larry. I look forward to seeing yours.

09-19-2008, 12:50 AM
Great find.:icon_tup::icon_tup:

I think verts' look pretty cool. It's just the seats that pull me away from them.

Other than that...good luck with your new TOY!!!


09-19-2008, 07:38 AM
yea i dont think ANYONES headrest speakers work. I want to get mine functioning again.

09-19-2008, 12:55 PM
Thanks Guys. I am really happy with it.

09-19-2008, 01:17 PM
welcome to RCC :)

09-19-2008, 01:30 PM
Welcome to RCC.. I had an 89 vert last summer that was a great car but I sold it to build my coupe.

Great find :)

If you need any parts feel free to give myself or anyone of the other vendors on here a buzz and we will get in the right direction.

You have just joined the best rotary club on the net.. Welcome and enjoy your stay

09-19-2008, 01:41 PM
yea i dont think ANYONES headrest speakers work. I want to get mine functioning again.

Fingers crossed, both of my convertibles have working headrest speakers. Sometimes the switch takes a little coaxing to get the volume up though.

09-19-2008, 01:56 PM
my vert headrest speakers worked on the drivers side but not on the pass side.