View Full Version : Sure, I'll make an intro thread

02-28-2008, 04:03 PM
I've no real animosity toward the other place (though I can't say I'm pleased with the direction the new ownership is taking it), but I like this forum, and think it has potential.

I mostly post in first-gen tech/non-tech, so the lounge rats probably don't know me very well. My rotary ownership started with my first car, an '83 GSL, which I got, what, almost three years ago now? I made the mistake of letting it go, but got lucky and had the opportunity to reacquired it. It will be getting a large-streetported 13B and a blow-through turbo setup once I finish collecting the pieces. I'm a college student, so funds are tight right now. I also have a '74 REPU with a mild streetport. Previous vehicles include an '81 S and a 13B-swapped '78 GLC.