View Full Version : 5w-20

06-11-2008, 07:35 PM
So Mazda says to use 5W-20, but I have heard people grumbling about that citing stuff like premature engine wear. I am a bit confused overall.

5W-20, yay or nay?

06-11-2008, 08:24 PM
The only reason Mazda recommends 5w-20 is solely because of emissions standards and fuel economy. I use 5w-40 during the summer months along with 6oz of 2-stroke oil in my fuel and have never had a problem with this engine. My motor runs extremely strong and with the numbers from my last compression check I can back up my claims. I have had this motor for just over 26k miles and have run premix and thicker oil in the summer and 5w-20 in the winter and not had one problem.

But really, there has been debate on the oil weight ever the 8 was introduced...everybody has an opinion on the subject.

Barry Bordes
06-12-2008, 07:05 AM
This is one of the best articles discussing oil temperatures, viscosity and weight.
Cliff Notes: We need flow not thick viscosity.
Oil temp range determines pressure and viscosity.
Cold start up is toughest on wear.
Our filters by-pass on cold start up more with high viscosity.



10-02-2008, 01:09 PM
5-30 all year round

10-02-2008, 01:36 PM
Depending on the oil u use if u use

ELF/Total oil they recomend 5w30 SXR in ALL rotary engines (when using the OMP)

again the above is correct the 5w20 is recomended for emissions purposes

10-02-2008, 06:18 PM
Where do you find ELF oil here in the states?

10-02-2008, 06:38 PM
I sell ELF oil.. well now total


10-03-2008, 04:17 AM
I use the 10w50 in my rotary
the reason why els says to use the 5w30 is because it has been specially formulated with the rotary engine in mind to leave less ash then any other oil if u are using the omp still.

of course if u are premixing them I would recommend the 10w50

10-03-2008, 01:01 PM
ya losting i ver went is 10w30 in winter when 20w50 got too thick in new jersey.
but im with spooled once my engine is done being broken in ima switch over to total syntec. ive been using castrol 10w30 for breakin

10-03-2008, 01:03 PM
yeah I use 10w50 only because my car is never driven in the cold and I premix (no omp)

10-06-2008, 09:56 PM
My car has had 5w20 since new. I also run premix though. Personally, I use 10w30 in all my other RX vehicles and have even run 20w50 from time to time in the FBs. Longevity is in the premix IMHO not the oil. If Mazda wants 5w20, then thats what my 8 gets, but I'll never trust their OMP ratios from the factory... besides, the 8 has 100K mile warranty now,lol...

10-07-2008, 05:11 AM
Now I am deff on the side that 5w20 is a thin weight oil HOWEVER looking at those pictures I mean you and I both know there is more to the story then just thin weight oil..

5-20 may be a thin weight but it still has lube properties I really think there is more to the engine above them a thin weight oil.. I mean looking at the score marks that looks like starvation at its finest.

not only starvations but possible water contamination.

and I also agree I dont trust a us reman engine over the original thing any day.

10-07-2008, 02:58 PM
nothing... my point is after looking at those pictures I think the owner was lieing.. (I mean its not un heard of for people to lie) I'm no pro we all know that but I know enough about wear and IMO those pictures come off to look like pictures that starved for oil.. maybe not always but many times..

saying "well I only drove about 200 miles with it low" is like saying well I only drove it DRY for 50 miles.. One persons word can be stretched to anything they want to say..

Again I am not taking the side of 5w20 I'm just thinking there is more to this then JUST oil.. because 5w20 or 20w50 you still have protection..and remember using heavier oil can actually put more abuse on an engine because it takes more force to turn the oil.

but again who really knows I am just confident that there is more to those pictures then oil weight.

look at the heat marks.. anything with oil in it (oil is a lubricant, cooling) will prolong any wear. those marks tell me that that part of the engine did not have sufficient lubrication.. and that has nothing to do with oil weight.

10-07-2008, 06:05 PM
Kevin, I appreciate you as a builder by all means and I'm nowhere near as an expert as you, but that owner is lieing. No way did running 5w20 cause that, there is definitely more to that story.

I took apart a 44K renesis dealership serviced w /5w20 since new and it showed no signs at all of wear to that level. The engine I took down didnt even use premix and was boosted. (engine failed due to bad tune, not oil)

Also - on the reman side. True there were problems with many remans and mazda actually stepped up shutting down their largest reman facility and opening a new one here in VA actually where "the master" and his apprentice, the same guys who assemble them in japan and oversee everything came in and did a review to be sure the same procedures used in japan are now put to use in the US rebuild facilities. I have more faith in the newer remans than the ones they offered for FDs, etc.

That being said, i'd still rebuild my own, but if the dealership is paying for it, who cares.

10-08-2008, 05:13 AM
yeah if I got a reman from mazda in my rx8.. thats a tough call I would prolly just live with it but begin to build my own replacement..

as for the pics.. This will end up being a loose loose fr everyone.. nobody knows but with my experience in the auto industry my decision rides on an oiling issue, build issue (tolerances or clearnces not checked properly) NOT oil weight.

10-08-2008, 08:10 AM
wow that bearing is shot!
idk i could see both sides of this. i mean 5w20 is thin and if this guy was racing the motor the oil would only get thinner with heat, and if he was using cheap dino oil the flash point would be lower.
how were the oil jets on the eshaft clogged?

10-08-2008, 09:01 AM
well thats is another problem.. cheap oil sheers and sheers bad..

I have had sheer test run on Mobil 1 5w30 after 1500 miles in a mitsubishi evo 9 the oil read at 0w20

the customer then switched to ELF 5w40 and at 3500 miles the sheer stayed the same 5w40

I had the same company do the same test.

10-16-2008, 03:00 PM
So in an unmodded rx8 in alabama where it never really gets cold.. something like a 10w30 might be a better option? I have been running the 5w20 since I got the car but if changing to something different would add some longivity to my car im all for it.

10-16-2008, 03:03 PM
first you need to figure are you going to use synthetic or dino oil.

I still say I would use 5w20-5w30 in the winter (if u drive in the cold) and 10w50-20w50 in the summer.

10-16-2008, 04:39 PM
I wouldn't go to 5W20 unless it was consistanly colder than 60F...

I am in Hawaii and FI-ed; and I only run 10W50 - 6000 miles and no problems.

10-28-2008, 09:33 PM
I would have to say that 5w20 on the 8's is my choice, esspecially on the 09 modles, the OMP and filter system is completely redisigned to reduce carbon build up and prevent flooding issues. the omp on the 09s continue pumping as long as the engine is still turning key off engine off. they have also included 2 additional oil injestors, all in jectors are PCM controlled with 2 OMPs.not saying 5w20 is the only or best choice, but typically the engines i see with lower than normal compression have been flooded and incorrectly or harshly deflooded or never were allowed sufficient warm up time before ragging the hell out of it....the bearings in the pictures before deffinatley looked like corrosion or starvation...maybe the changed it every 3k but only after a year went by

11-01-2008, 06:08 PM
The purpose for 5W20 being specified (In the US) is for CAFE standards. It's all about improving fuel economy to avoid fines. The effect on each car type is minimal but it adds up and every .1 mile per gallon is helpful.

Red Line 5W30 would be one of my recommendations for the street used vehicles even if they're driven hard and tracked occasionally. It's viscosity after a short period is far superior to any non synthetic 10W40 AND EVEN MOST 20W50s. It's amazing to see what numbers become over time with a harsh environment. The fuel dilution found quite often in rotaries is another reason to consider your starting viscosity wisely.


11-02-2008, 08:54 AM
The purpose for 5W20 being specified (In the US) is for CAFE standards. It's all about improving fuel economy to avoid fines. The effect on each car type is minimal but it adds up and every .1 mile per gallon is helpful.

Red Line 5W30 would be one of my recommendations for the street used vehicles even if they're driven hard and tracked occasionally. It's viscosity after a short period is far superior to any non synthetic 10W40 AND EVEN MOST 20W50s. It's amazing to see what numbers become over time with a harsh environment. The fuel dilution found quite often in rotaries is another reason to consider your starting viscosity wisely.


EXACTLY... The 5w20 was used for emissions and fuel consumtion regulations. thus another reason for the Renises engine it was built about emissions control.

And I will stand behind Redline as an oil as well.. I dont sell the Redline Engine oil but if it is any quality as the gear/trans lube is then it HAS to be good.

11-02-2008, 09:04 AM
We run Redline 50wt race oil in our cars and they hold up just fine. I may start running Redline 50wt on the street during the summer months as it has all the additives and viscosity of a 15w40 oil. I do love me some Redline products too!!!

11-02-2008, 09:31 AM
SpooledupRacing let me get this right, i should be fine useing 5w20 till i have the cash to get the oil you recommend. since its pretty cold in mass now?

11-02-2008, 09:44 AM
Well IME yes I mean 5w20 is a thin oil but honestly I don't see where it will hurt the engine. Just make sure you are using a QUALITY engine oil. that is just as important if not more important.

11-02-2008, 09:50 AM
ive just kinda had some bad luck since i bought my car ,a 5% pay cut, layoffs at my work and that whole black Monday shit. i dont need my motor blowing on me you know. so ive been kinda freaked out since i put 5w20 in it then read these posts. but once i have the cash ill be buying a case of the stuff you recommended. which will be right around the time i need a oil change.

the synthetic that you recommend it should be fine in freezing temps right?

11-02-2008, 09:53 AM
Yes sir... The 5W30 (which is designed for rotary engines with working omp's) is good to 30 below..

Alot of the MI guys use it because well... we see VERY COLD mornings..

Hell I use the 5w40 in my wifes Jeep and my bmw which has OVER 215K