View Full Version : WTB: S4 front bumper / grey dash Local(ish) pickup

01-12-2016, 05:04 PM
I'm in Spring Hill, TN (37174)

I'd prefer a bumper in blaze red but sunrise red will be close enough if that's all that's available (the car was repainted the wrong color).

I also need a clean grey dash (no sun blistering/cracks/broken plastic/separating vinyl, etc), I don't care about the condition of vents or trim as I have all those pieces already, just need a clean shell. I'm planning to pull the carpet for cleaning or replacement and if my craptastic dash has to come out it's not going back in if I can help it.

Shipping these parts would suck big time so anyone who can meet me within a couple/few hours radius would be awesome... looking at you Middle TN crew.

I should add that if anyone has unbroken grey A-pillars, I could use those as well. :D

01-13-2016, 12:07 PM
I have what you need. You just have to remove it!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4uE4ZjU988anRkk6ACHy_7vp5MaN1pmN_qZlnr_uOgxSjRSZAX xQFszOr7Qt6rpVNZpmpnOTZIeTQWEfJ9BhaHMjt15SG0XEBDWT 7iIgIf1KYqjG1mZhdsTE4qur3l-eyqHzqcj3AE4w4fA4-YRMgmLw8lzjHtbxZqc-oZz7TdLhEi7FERw84EWq0TkSAIxk3E0iqqmUA0egIQWY3MAkBD X7CumpMz1r9n-hSwho7zC4M2r1077scWI38R_9Ga1S6yJrll0fibmjLn8sQ__zf kmI_Hn5dtOK6L1FB2QC_Tg34kn0No42_tWMBkLdR4C-mHA-7Gz_6-0sPDfjGlhnC0yAnLPkoWJloz1POcfnmWTvI4Vd73X0_ZPLQ-HPVt6QZoXRLa3052l7ohEKMLaZy4V9_QbSd25JR7acLkY1BK2f jRQH__vPnIm2bbyKp9hfBhSaYtV9Gy8t4-pyo_vR1oNJV9xeeaxYUQAmBxMS-M1rg8LB4VLStEeZF2IJ_1K0Ev403uv42ZVdbCYd4w_mBR9CiJT MkEqk0cPow_o0wgO2GW7SCzrjeJnvNOZ9LPXJb2_r=w436-h581-no

01-13-2016, 01:41 PM
I have what you need. You just have to remove it!

Sweet! be gentle! :D is that a parts car? I could use those A pillars as well if they are in good shape.

01-13-2016, 01:51 PM
Yeah, it's pretty much a parts car. It's at Charles' house.