View Full Version : FS: 1980SA manual trans $60, stock 84 niki $50 mis. 12a parts- Eugene, Or-will ship

11-15-2015, 11:58 PM
1980 SA manual trans. no shifter unknown miles (got in trade with the engine which was blown) 60$

100% stock untouched NIKI off of an 84 gs with intake manifold 50$

several sets of 12a irons, oil pans and just general engine parts I'll let go cheap make me an offer!

will ship!

http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q130/20brotary/accf48b6-2256-439b-b23d-4fad3ab59c75.jpg (http://s135.photobucket.com/user/20brotary/media/accf48b6-2256-439b-b23d-4fad3ab59c75.jpg.html)

http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q130/20brotary/5c4da7fb-c308-41b3-a2db-0c3bf7f36b3f.jpg (http://s135.photobucket.com/user/20brotary/media/5c4da7fb-c308-41b3-a2db-0c3bf7f36b3f.jpg.html)

11-16-2015, 08:39 AM
Where you located, approximately?

11-16-2015, 01:08 PM
Where you located, approximately?

Eugene, Or 97401