View Full Version : Mazda Meet and Eat 4!!!! - Jacksonville Fl - Sep 19-20

Sharingan 19
09-02-2015, 11:26 AM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11921713_882410295180394_2585122243086779069_n.jpg ?oh=1636e166418ac328ac0ee95432e03173&oe=56AB3341

Facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/events/957005847664959/)

SEP 18 - Mazda Meet & Eat 4 Pre-Event Beer and Food Gathering
Bold City Brewery in Jacksonville, Florida

SEP 19 - Mazda Meet & Eat 4!!!
Mazda City of Orange Park, Orange Park Florida

SEP 20 - Mazda Meet & Eat 4 and North Florida Nator Dyno Day!
Illicit Performance in Orange Park, Florida

"Get ready for the 4th Annual Mazda Meet & Eat, brought to you by the Jacksonville Mazda Owners Club, North Florida Chapter of Nator, Mazda City of Orange Park and live coverage by Mazdamovement.com
This is an all Mazda car event with a charity raffle, random giveaways, food trucks, bouncy house, race cars, dunk tank, DJ and amazing raffle items. Car show is “all Mazda” but anyone is welcome to attend."

Shirts and Registration sign up: