View Full Version : Rotary Recycle Closed, Permanently

FC Zach
11-15-2014, 05:05 AM
I meant to mention this last month but have forgotten. RR has officially shut the doors since the first of October. Here's Jess's post:

"Today is a difficult day for us here at Rotary Recycle. After 5 years we can no longer continue. As of October 1, 2014 we will close our “doors” forever.

When I first started playing with these bikes many years ago, I was ecstatic that I found an ad in Walneck’s (no internet existed) that there was a fellow advertising that he had parts. This is how I met Sam. When I needed a part, I would call and cautiously hold my breath after I asked the question “Do you have XYZ part?” After a few months of this, Sam laughed and said…“I have every part, down to every nut, bolt, and screw”. I never bothered to even ask how much, because it didn’t matter to me, I was just happy that someone had it.

We have done our dead level best to carry on the legacy of our late friend Sam Costanzo, and all the folks at Rotary Recycle without who all Rotary Engine motorcycles would have quietly died long ago… Or worse yet, become a curiosity seen only in a book or a museum. Sam dedicated his life to these machines and every enthusiast owes him a debt of gratitude. He is missed.
It has been a hard decision, but purely a financial one. Faced with non-existent spares, rising overhead and horrendous costs for small parts runs, we have done the best we can to keep the community on the road. We hope that in the future there are still some bikes on the road.

On a personal note, this has been both a rewarding and frustrating time for me. Prior to assuming control of Rotary Recycle, I had no business experience and really no idea what it took to run a business. Along the way I learned a great deal about myself at great expense both literally and figuratively.

I will never cease to be amazed by the calls and emails I get. Some folks assume there are an infinite number of NOS spares for these bikes. This is just not true, and frankly… silly. If Suzuki had made 5000 spares of each part, they would have assembled 5000 more bikes.

In most cases, competition is a good thing for all involved. In a very small market place, it is disastrous. Folks seem to forget that only 6300 Re5’s were ever produced, and less than 2000 W-2000’s. Compared to any of the other bikes of the era, this number is peanuts. While it might be economical to make some spares for bikes like the GT750 as they made many tens of thousands, sometimes it is not even feasible for them. The Re5 is so low production; small runs of parts are cost prohibitive.

EBay is also a killer in a niche market as well. Seven to ten years ago, if one did a search for Re5 parts on ebay, you might have found one guy who had a few nasty, dirty, worn out pieces of junk that he was selling. Today there are many “resellers” who make a living listing and drop shipping parts. Good for the end consumer, bad for the specialty business. I am always amazed at the person that calls and asks how to fix this, or diagnose that, and when I ask where they got the part, they tell me eBay. I always want to ask, why aren’t you calling the guy from eBay?

Making/manufacturing parts also is incredibly expensive, time consuming and getting darn near impossible as most companies won’t bother to tool up for less than staggering minimum orders. I suggest that every one of you, just once, take the time to attempt to get a spark plug, set of points, engine cover, plastic or rubber piece, or even a gasket made. It will truly change your perception of the world. I guarantee it. The best part is after you do it, the critiquing from others. Most folks are happy to have one. There are always a few that think they can do it better than you did. They almost never do.

In closing, I have made lifelong friendships that have come from my love of motorcycles. Those relationships are precious to me. To the folks that have supported us, we wish you the very best.
Best Regards,

Jess Stockwell
Rotary Recycle"

Read more: http://re5rotary.proboards.com/thread/1866/rotary-recycle-closing-permanently#ixzz3J8Fj9FLh

11-15-2014, 11:35 AM
'insert sad face here'

Maybe one day I will buy another motorcycle, hopefully Jessee will have something laying around still.

:( :( :( :(

11-15-2014, 07:17 PM
Sorry guys. I will always have my bikes to remember by.

rx7 vinnie
11-16-2014, 09:48 AM
Wow that sucks.... What's gonna happen to all the bikes, parts and equipment?

FC Zach
11-16-2014, 08:42 PM
Some things sold, some kept. Some scrapped. . Just because the doors have been closed to the public doesn't mean everything had to go.

11-17-2014, 09:18 AM
Sad to hear. I see he's getting ready to see some things now. I hope his health holds. I met Jess at DGRR and talked a bit with him and he is a great resource for these bikes.


FC Zach
11-17-2014, 09:52 AM
Jess is healthy and well, patience and temper may be thin though :) I think you may have people mixed Tim.

11-17-2014, 12:14 PM
Jess is healthy and well, patience and temper may be thin though :) I think you may have people mixed Tim.

Reread that 3rd paragraph from the link in my last post. Appears to me he has/had some serious issues to deal with.

11-17-2014, 01:07 PM
That's a guy named Carl in Perth, Tim!

11-17-2014, 04:21 PM
My bad! DOH! :banghead:

FC Zach
11-17-2014, 11:29 PM