View Full Version : Fuel Leak

05-12-2014, 12:05 PM
Ok... Found the source of my fuel leak the other day after disassembling the UIM. Pretty apparent, but was hard to reach and check right there and then.
Now I'm ill at home with a fever and its bugging me, need progress here :drool5:

Does anyone know what this hose goes to/from? Approximately how long it is and exactly what I'll need to replace it?
Guessing it doesn't go all the way to the back since it has that metal clip on it right there..

Would a kit like for example this one do?

And if it isn't that easy to see which hose i mean its the juicy black one below that white electric plug and the green vacuum thingy, with a metal clip around it.

Also didn't release the fuel line pressure before removing the UIM, what's the best way to release it without having to start the engine..? :awesome:

http://i325.photobucket.com/albums/k397/nikobg/2014-05-08173652_zps71590976.jpg (http://s325.photobucket.com/user/nikobg/media/2014-05-08173652_zps71590976.jpg.html)

http://i325.photobucket.com/albums/k397/nikobg/2014-05-08173700_zps2eb542a0.jpg (http://s325.photobucket.com/user/nikobg/media/2014-05-08173700_zps2eb542a0.jpg.html)

Thanks in advance!