View Full Version : 2004 PT71mm Rx8

02-05-2014, 06:36 AM
Hello, i have to telly you my journey with my Mazda Rx 8 started down the modification route almost as soon as i got it! I have learned do much and was inspired to build my garage suited to work on my add i learned no one cares more about your car than you!

Precision 71mm turbo with a Microtech, snow methanol stage three, titanium exhaust, 3"intake hard line and just about everything has been touched on this car.

I'm currently doing more modifications during the winter getting ready for a dyno tune then a super slick paint job to have it ready for summer.

02-05-2014, 07:44 AM
Still running the Renesis?

02-06-2014, 06:04 PM
Still a Renny, i hope to keep the Rx8 an Rx8! Just with more power.

02-06-2014, 06:11 PM
How are you planning on working around those exhaust port sizes?

02-12-2014, 08:30 PM
I'm bridge ported and I've touch the exhaust ports also. The engine design is how it is can't redesign it. Still this is the highest N/A rotory engine, good starting block. The rotors i had EDM'd to full FD height as the stock height and apex seals aren't enough.