View Full Version : S4 power steering w/o ecu controls...

01-31-2014, 08:50 AM
So i have an S4 engine and subframe, steering blah blah in the FB. And frankly I know i only need one of the outlets from the pump (the main one) for the rack to work. And since i have no ecu to drive the variable motor on the pump, I was looking at eliminating it.

Any attempts at this? Looks some what straight forward. Just plug the reservoir port for the motor bypass as well as the feed off the main line.

01-31-2014, 09:53 AM
Run an S5 pump and run the single wire to ign hot.... is what I would do :)

In the convertible, for a variety of reasons, it's an FD pump, which operate in the same manner as the S5.

01-31-2014, 01:13 PM
Yeah, that's basically what an RPM-dependent power steering is basically is.

That extra fitting / line is just for the power steering computer to bleed off pressure / fluid off the rack, taking to account engine RPM and vehicle speed.

Removing those components just defaults back to the other, more available PS system.

Can't you just find an S4 RPM-dependent PS pump?
