01-03-2014, 04:03 PM
It's finally time to get organized for upcoming 2014 projects and clear out some extras we've accumulated over the last year. We've amassed a number of forgotten extras sitting in closed boxes on back shelves, scratch and dent items that didn't make the final stringent inspection, and the occasional box of overstock items. Well it's time to make some room in our workshop... so here we go
***All items are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE... if a coupon code does not work, it has already been used by another member. Please remember all quantities are limited to the allocated clearance parts only. (all imperfections are aesthetic only, and will not impede functionality)***
FD HID Clearance set 1 - Scratch on glass projector lens L, Mark on projector lens bezel R, minor imperfections on plastic covers. Does not affect performance. CLEARANCEFDHID001 $150.00 off
Premier Bi-Xenon HID Projector Headlights - SakeBomb Garage (
FD HID Clearance set 2 - Minor imperfections on glass projector lens L, minor imperfections on housing R, minor imperfections on plastic covers. Does not affect performance. CLEARANCEFDHID002 $125.00 off
Premier Bi-Xenon HID Projector Headlights - SakeBomb Garage (
FD HID Clearance set 3 - Very minor imperfections on housing L, no imperfections on housing R. Does not affect performance. CLEARANCEFDHID003 $75.00 off
Premier Bi-Xenon HID Projector Headlights - SakeBomb Garage (
FD Fire Extinguisher Seat Mounts - *6* clearance extinguisher seat mounts (minor nicks/blemishes on sheet metal mount) CLEARANCE_EXTSEAT $17.00 off
FD3S Fire Extinguisher Mount: OEM Seats - SakeBomb Garage (
FD Rear Hatch Fire Extinguisher Mounts - *4* clearance mounts (minor nicks/blemishes on sheet metal mount) CLEARANCE_EXTREAR $17.00 off
FD3S Fire Extinguisher Mount: Rear Hatch - SakeBomb Garage (
FD Passenger Footrest - *3* clearance footrests (very minor blemishes in finish) CLEARANCE_FTREST $14.00 off
FD3S LHD Passenger Foot Rest - SakeBomb Garage (
$15 off Fire Extinguishers (Halon or Halotron) - while supplies last EXTINGUISHER_FIRESALE .png
Halotron Fire Extinguisher (2.5lb) - SakeBomb Garage (
Halon 1211 Fire Extinguisher (2.5lb) - SakeBomb Garage (
$26 off OEM Replacement Ultra-Low-Resistance Spark Plug Wires - while supplies last CLEARANCE_OEMSPKWIRES
FD3S OEM Replacement Spark Plug Wires - SakeBomb Garage (
$18.00 off Stainless FD Brake Lines (for OEM or 99 Brakes) - while supplies last CLEARANCE_SSBRAKELINES
Stainless Brake Lines - SakeBomb Garage (
$75 off Oil Cooler Kits *4* kits - while supplies last CLEARANCE_COOLERKIT
FD3S Dual Oil Cooler Kit - SakeBomb Garage (
Happy New Year Everyone!
-SakeBomb Garage
***All items are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE... if a coupon code does not work, it has already been used by another member. Please remember all quantities are limited to the allocated clearance parts only. (all imperfections are aesthetic only, and will not impede functionality)***
FD HID Clearance set 1 - Scratch on glass projector lens L, Mark on projector lens bezel R, minor imperfections on plastic covers. Does not affect performance. CLEARANCEFDHID001 $150.00 off
Premier Bi-Xenon HID Projector Headlights - SakeBomb Garage (
FD HID Clearance set 2 - Minor imperfections on glass projector lens L, minor imperfections on housing R, minor imperfections on plastic covers. Does not affect performance. CLEARANCEFDHID002 $125.00 off
Premier Bi-Xenon HID Projector Headlights - SakeBomb Garage (
FD HID Clearance set 3 - Very minor imperfections on housing L, no imperfections on housing R. Does not affect performance. CLEARANCEFDHID003 $75.00 off
Premier Bi-Xenon HID Projector Headlights - SakeBomb Garage (
FD Fire Extinguisher Seat Mounts - *6* clearance extinguisher seat mounts (minor nicks/blemishes on sheet metal mount) CLEARANCE_EXTSEAT $17.00 off
FD3S Fire Extinguisher Mount: OEM Seats - SakeBomb Garage (
FD Rear Hatch Fire Extinguisher Mounts - *4* clearance mounts (minor nicks/blemishes on sheet metal mount) CLEARANCE_EXTREAR $17.00 off
FD3S Fire Extinguisher Mount: Rear Hatch - SakeBomb Garage (
FD Passenger Footrest - *3* clearance footrests (very minor blemishes in finish) CLEARANCE_FTREST $14.00 off
FD3S LHD Passenger Foot Rest - SakeBomb Garage (
$15 off Fire Extinguishers (Halon or Halotron) - while supplies last EXTINGUISHER_FIRESALE .png
Halotron Fire Extinguisher (2.5lb) - SakeBomb Garage (
Halon 1211 Fire Extinguisher (2.5lb) - SakeBomb Garage (
$26 off OEM Replacement Ultra-Low-Resistance Spark Plug Wires - while supplies last CLEARANCE_OEMSPKWIRES
FD3S OEM Replacement Spark Plug Wires - SakeBomb Garage (
$18.00 off Stainless FD Brake Lines (for OEM or 99 Brakes) - while supplies last CLEARANCE_SSBRAKELINES
Stainless Brake Lines - SakeBomb Garage (
$75 off Oil Cooler Kits *4* kits - while supplies last CLEARANCE_COOLERKIT
FD3S Dual Oil Cooler Kit - SakeBomb Garage (
Happy New Year Everyone!
-SakeBomb Garage