View Full Version : 417Rotary.com October 12th Eureka Springs Fall Drive!

09-11-2013, 09:26 AM
Ok, now is the time to start planning on your calendar cause the 2013 Eureka Springs Drive is official! This year is going to be the start of a new route and date. The route is going to start at Table Rock Dam. This is a pretty good/cool location and gives us an opportunity to congregate with the Arkansas folks for a bit before setting off to Eureka Springs. Plus it's a good middle ground for all of us to drive too for everyone around the area. The meeting spot is just east of the Dam and will be at 10am. Departure Time from the Dam will be between 11-11:30am as this gives us some time to hang out, take some pictures and just chit-chat for a bit...

Below is the new route starting at Table Rock Dam.

Click on the map for a link to get directions
http://i834.photobucket.com/albums/zz261/therx7kid09/Maps/ScreenShot2013-08-05at110456AM.png (http://goo.gl/maps/X5KBN)

Once we head out the destination will be the parking lot furthest south on main street just before Van Buren Rd.

Click on map for Parking lot Destination
http://i834.photobucket.com/albums/zz261/therx7kid09/Maps/EurekaSpringsParkinglotoverheard.png (https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!q=192+S+Main+St%2C+Eureka+Springs%2C+AR+7 2632%2C+USA&data=!1m4!1m3!1d4015!2d-93.7411216!3d36.3941645!2m1!1e3!4m15!2m14!1m13!1s0 x87ced2b4eaa93d83%3A0x998ade54bf606cb5!3m8!1m3!1d4 015!2d-93.7411216!3d36.3941645!3m2!1i1424!2i960!4f13.1!4m 2!3d36.394252!4d-93.7421449&fid=7)

I'm sure most of us will be hungry by the time we get there, twisties always seem to do that after a while :P There are a ton of places to eat, but one we seem to always gravitate towards is the Pied Piper and I have set reservations there at 1pm. By all means feel free to roam and eat where you want.

The address is: 82 Armstrong St. Eureka Springs, AR 72632 (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=pied+piper+pub+eureka+springs+ar&sll=36.399688,-93.740491&sspn=0.006252,0.011308&ie=UTF8&hq=pied+piper+pub&hnear=Eureka+Springs,+Carroll,+Arkansas&ll=36.399576,-93.740501&spn=0.012504,0.022616&z=16&iwloc=A)

Here is the menu

We will be gathering back to the parking lot at 4pm to get one last group photo and say our good bye's.

In case you get separated or lost call these numbers:
Chris (417) 631-3094
Kyle (417) 629-4561

Please do bring Walkie Talkies if you have them, they add and aid in the drive. Also as a reminder to all that being a "spirit" and being "spirited" are two different things. Corners are fun a little over the speed limit, especially if your vehicle can handle it. But don't feel the need to over work you and your cars abilities. It really takes the fun out of the drive when we spend half of it pulling cars out of ditches. Or worse pulling your body out of it instead. With that being said let's have some fun and I hope to see all you there!!!!!

And a poster made for those that want to hand them out.

Click here for full image to print..... (http://i834.photobucket.com/albums/zz261/therx7kid09/Eureka%20Springs%202013/EurekaSpringsDrive2013.jpg)

09-11-2013, 09:51 AM
man that sounds fun. I'm in FL so realistically out of the picture for me. . . take many pix!

09-11-2013, 12:54 PM
man that sounds fun. I'm in FL so realistically out of the picture for me. . . take many pix!

It really is, figured mid October is a pretty good time... The leaves will be changing and should make for some nice pictures.

09-11-2013, 01:54 PM
It really is, figured mid October is a pretty good time... The leaves will be changing and should make for some nice pictures.

Sure. Rub it in. I'll be working. :(

09-11-2013, 08:12 PM
Sure. Rub it in. I'll be working. :(

Sorry man, I'll send you a postcard ;-)

09-11-2013, 08:58 PM
Sorry man, I'll send you a postcard ;-)

:lol: Thanks, not even offered one o' them chintzy refrigerator magnets. :(