View Full Version : Interest in another run of Garfinkles FD Oil Pan Braces?
08-17-2012, 09:47 AM
Hey all,
I'm posting up a thread to see if we have anybody (other than myself) who are interested in getting David to make another run of his renowned Oil Pan Braces for the FD. Between a brace and a stud kit ($400 and doesn't require any machining of your engine) you can sleep well knowing that, not only will your oil pan not leak oil, but you can also run oddles of power without worrying about your engine twisting itself apart.
David said he'd need 15 buyers to make another production run.
Anybody else interested?
1. Fendamonky
08-18-2012, 09:45 AM
I guess i should specify, as people got confused on the other forum... I'm not associated with Garfinkle Motor Works, so i can't price or sell the braces myself. I started this thread because I want a brave, and David told me he would need to make a batch to make any.
The $400 I quoted is for the stud kit i got, NOT this brace! I would guess the brace will run between $100-$130, but David will be three man who determines the price.
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-18-2012, 09:11 PM
The braces will cost$125 includes shipping in the USA . The brace ,pan bolts ,motor mount bolts, and oil level sensor 0-ring are included .
08-18-2012, 11:36 PM
Cool beans, thanks for the info David.
I posted a thread over on rx7club and had like 4-5 people express interest in a day or two. But then the mods deleted my thread for no reason.
I'll have to email one of the "super" mods there to see what's up with the thread deletion...
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-19-2012, 07:46 AM
The other forum wants me to pay them $75 for every part I sell. I can not afford to do that .They will boot you off if you push it .
08-19-2012, 08:36 AM
The other forum wants me to pay them $75 for every part I sell. I can not afford to do that .They will boot you off if you push it .
That's insane. No business can afford to tack on $75 to every part sold! I can understand a forum asking vendors to pay a $75 advertising fee for an unlimited # of items they sell over the course of a year or some other reasonably long period of time, but $75 per item is just ridiculous.
If they are indeed doing this, they are not only hurting businesses but the rotary community at large. Simple math - If vendor X wants to sell a $20 widget, Joe Rotorhead ends up paying $95 for it with this business model.
08-19-2012, 10:28 AM
The other forum wants me to pay them $75 for every part I sell. I can not afford to do that .They will boot you off if you push it .
That is ridiculous! Yeah, I've been banned from there for dumb reasons before, so I'm not to worried about it. But still... Wtf..
I wonder what they'd do if i just listed a FS thread selling one of your braces, then whenever somebody pm'd me i just told them what's up! Lol.
David, can you post up some pictures and further details of why your brave is better/different?
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-19-2012, 04:09 PM
My brace has a grove milled into it that fits over the pans pinch rail.With out the milled grove the brace would just press on the pinch rail with no pressure on the full width of the pan and no pressure at the bolt holes .I do not have any pictures but there were some on the forums several years ago .Maybe someone can post some .
08-20-2012, 04:46 AM
im in when the items are very soon on the way to produce...i´m in trouble with my will fix it soon
C. Ludwig
08-20-2012, 09:42 AM
FWIW, when I've done GBs over there, its been $75 for 3 month access to the GB section. Not $75 per individual part sold. Once your time is up you are locked out and cant even post in threads you started. You can list multiple parts in a single thread.
08-20-2012, 11:57 AM
any news who wants the brace?? I´m in....
08-21-2012, 08:25 AM
I had like 3-4 interested over on the other forum, but the mods shut down my thread before I could write down names. Seems like it might just be you and me =(
08-21-2012, 06:41 PM
Ok, so it looks like I've got ten braces claimed right now. I'm gunna dig around some more to find the remaining five, and potentially more :)
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-21-2012, 10:00 PM
You must be working hard and I thank you .Before I have these made I must have the money to pay the two shops and for the steel sheet .I will need a contact number for each buyer to confirm that they will buy .I have many people contact me for parts each month that say they need parts and they never finish the deal .I will need to get a loan to do this run and I need to know I can pay it back .
08-21-2012, 10:40 PM
Absolutely understandable. I actually ended up contacting a few places that will do rebuilds to see if they were interested in getting multiple braces.
So far i have:
1. Myself (1x brace)
2. rayrx7 (1x brace)
3. Howard Coleman (5x braces)
4. IRP (3x-5x braces)
I have gotten suggestions on some other members that would probably want some, and I'll make a FS thread over on the other forum to identify any loose ends.
Pricing wise, please correct me off I'm wrong, but I'm looking at $125.00 shipped to the continental US for an order of 15. Will the price be able to drop in brackets if i manage a larger number of orders?
08-22-2012, 03:43 AM
this sounds good to me that the deal come up...i´m be willing to pay than i need it very soon.
But i can also listen here in Germany if someone needs also....
thx Fendamonky for ur work and application
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-22-2012, 08:54 AM
I was going to call Howard Coleman but you have that covered .I called the shops today to check if everything will be good to go .They will return with an answer ASAP .The price of the steel has gone up but I can still hold the price at $125 IF the other shops do not go up .I can not drop the price if the numbers go up .There is only a small mark up on these and some of that is used up in travel Gas going from shop to shop in three other towns to deliver and pick up parts . I will check on the bolts today and the mailing packages .There is more to this than most people ever think. Plus I must take them them to the post office ,more gas and pay PAY PAL .
08-22-2012, 10:21 AM
Ray - I didn't notice your location until just last night! Are you a German resident/citizen or US Military/Civilian stationed out there? The reason I ask is because you may end up needing to pay a little bit of additional for international shipping if you don't have (or can access) a US Post Office box with an FPO/APO, AE location at a local US Military base. The FPO/APO addresses receive shipping from America as if they were located within the continental US, however local German addresses will be subject to international shipping fees (I was stationed in the UK for almost three years and I had all my US car parts mailed to my APO Address, not my local street address).
David -
Oh, I absolutely understand that there is much more going into making this brace kit than it would seem! I'll def do whatever I can to make it easier on you since you ARE doing us all a great favor in turning this thing out!
So just to clarify David: You will be needing payments up front (definitely) and you'd like to also get phone numbers for the people purchasing them so that you can contact buyers as needed. Correct?
howard coleman
08-22-2012, 10:31 AM
i believe every modded turbo rotary should have David's brace. every motor i build has his brace... when available.
since the pan flange/engine block mating surface is below the oil level, oil leakage at the pan/block is always a challenge. by milling reliefs for the ribs into the brace risk of lekage is greatly reduced.
David's did his brace right.
if the rib reliefs were not milled into the brace the item could be sold for less than half price. of course it would not work properly as it would only contact the ribs.
since torque on the pan bolts is limited to 100 inch pounds do be sure and re-tap all bolt holes so you get an accurate reading.
leakage prevention is of course only half the story here. David's brace also adds additional stability to the block and, again, it delivers a major advantage over the non-ribbed brace as it has so much more pan flange contact area.
i do hope things work out for not only another production run but continued availability.
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-22-2012, 09:25 PM
I will need phone numbers so I can contact the buyer to get a promise to buy when the parts are ready .I do not want to collect any money untill I have the parts in my hands.That way I can be sure I can deliver as I promised .If one of the shops were to fail then no buyer will be out any money and worry about a bad deal . My customers always get a worry free deal .
08-24-2012, 06:48 AM
I wonder how this is going I am interested in getting one if this ends up going through
08-24-2012, 10:26 AM
This will go through, I just need to get a couple more people who are interested and will not back out at the last moment.
1. Myself (1x brace)
2. rayrx7 (1x brace)
3. Howard Coleman (5x braces)
4. IRP (3x-5x braces)
5. ka24det92 (1x brace)
6. RX7 RAGE (1x brace)
08-24-2012, 08:39 PM
So I posted a FS thread over on the 7 club when I got home from work today. I've already had two people contact me about buying the brace due to that thread. I figure I'll give the FS thread until the end of the weekend then close it out for a production run.
1. Myself (1x brace)
2. rayrx7 (1x brace) - Shipping to Germany
3. Howard Coleman (5x braces)
4. IRP (3x-5x braces)
5. ka24det92 (1x brace)
6. RX7 RAGE (1x brace)
7. beckrx (1x brace, tentative, 7 club)
8. 0piston (1x brace, tentative, 7 club) - Shipping to Canada
9. Sm1nts2escape (1x brace, confirmed, 7 club)
10. justaimme (2x braces, tentative, 7 club)
17-19 braces currently claimed.
08-25-2012, 09:37 AM
Great keep me posted
08-26-2012, 12:24 PM
Ok gents. I'll be closing out this order tonight so David can get rolling on what we have so far!
Please check the below list to make sure I've got you guys down correctly, David needs a good contact number for each buyer. I'll mark people as "confirmed" when I've got a confirmation and phone number. If David has your number and I don't have you marked down as confirmed, please post up that you're good to go :icon_tup:
1. Myself (1x brace) - Confirmed
2. rayrx7 (1x brace) - Shipping to Germany
3. Howard Coleman (5x braces) - Confirmed
4. IRP (3x Braces) - Confirmed
5. ka24det92 (1x brace) - Confirmed
6. RX7 RAGE (1x brace) - Confirmed
7. beckrx (1x brace, 7 club) - Confirmed
8. 0piston (1x brace, 7 club) - Confirmed
9. Sm1nts2escape (1x brace, 7 club) - Confirmed
10. justaimme (2x braces, 7 club) - Confirmed
11. NoPis10 (1x Brace, 7 club) - Confirmed
12. Sephek (1x Brace, 7 club) - Confirmed
13. tomsn16 (1x Brace, 7 club) - Confirmed
20 Braces total
08-26-2012, 04:54 PM
good to go pmed you my number
08-26-2012, 05:36 PM
I saw that, thanks bud!
08-26-2012, 06:06 PM
1. fendamonky (1x brace)
2. rayrx7 (1x brace)
3. Howard Coleman (5x braces)
4. IRP (3x-5x braces)
5. Sephek(1x brace)
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-27-2012, 10:22 AM
Here is the latest information .The cost of everything is up from the last run.I am still selling the braces with all needed bolts and the 0-ring shipped for $125.If some one buys two or more then the shipping will be less and the cost savings will be passed back to the buyer.So two braces will cost less than $250 but I do not know how much less .The order HAS been placed for the braces to be made .They should be ready for me to pickup in 4 weeks ,that is the fastest I could BEG for .I will order the bolts today and start packing them and the 0-ring as soon as they come in.It will save me paypal fees if you will pay by secure check and I can have your package addressed and ready to go .Be sure to send your address with the check .If you use pay pal and send it before the parts are ready I will be able to have your package addressed and ready as well .If something goes wrong with making the parts I will return any prepaid money ,those who deal with Garfinkles Motor Works know there is no fear . The brace can be installed any time so do not let the 4 week wait effect your schedule .More information will come as I get it and thank you for your interest .This is the best brace on the market and worth the wait ,just ask Howard Coleman .
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-28-2012, 09:17 AM
I have bought the o-rings and the all the bolts are being shipped .We are on the way
08-29-2012, 07:58 AM
Hello Fendamonkey...yes i´m from germany and my adress is Germany, 16303 Schwedt , Ringstr.19...and i know that additional costs for shipping come on to me...;-( and taxes
08-29-2012, 08:16 AM
Hello Mr Garfinkle....i have read and i know that it would be better to confirm studs and no bolts on the Oil pan. Why u think bolts are good as well???
08-29-2012, 10:09 AM
I believe the set of bolts that comes with the kit are slightly longer than the OEM ones, they are longer so that they will fit well with the brace, since the brace is approx 8mm thick (please correct me if I'm wrong David).
If you don't use the bolts that come with the kit than your old ones will not seat fully.
08-29-2012, 10:36 AM
you misunderstud me...i mentoid that new studs insert to the motorblok hold much fastener then only new the banzai kit are new studs and no bolts. I know that the new ones must be slightly longer than stock...
08-29-2012, 05:02 PM
Just payed. Thanks!
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-29-2012, 09:27 PM
I made a set of studs for myself some years ago and felt that the pan was harder to fit over the studs because of the manufactures tolerances .The brace was a bit hard to slip over the studs as well .Some people will not deal with this .With the bolts the install is as easy as 1-2-3 .The bolts for the pan and motormounts are 10.9 which are higher grade than the studs I had found.I send 19 pan bolts so with later age pans you can drill the two marked holes under the motormounts in the pan ( the block is threaded already ) and grind ,drill the clearance for the bolt head in the motormount . for even better sealing .If you like studs better that is fine as well,I just tried to make this easy for those who are not as mechanical as some of us .
Garfinkles Motor Works
08-29-2012, 09:35 PM
I thank those of you that are paying early .Thanks for your trust .This will help me by getting a smaller loan when the time comes to pay for the materials and for the two shops doing the cutting and milling. The packages are bought as are the o-rings.The bolts for the pan and motormounts have been paid for and are being shipped next week .The braces should be ready in 4 weeks .I am addressing the shipping packages as the payments are made so everything will be ready to ship the day I pick up the braces .
08-30-2012, 02:54 AM
ok thanks for the clearense and for me is it fine when things going easyer and have the same result. ;-)
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-11-2012, 05:28 PM
Update on the delivery of My oil pan braces .As everyone knows the pan braces are being made .I have the 0-rings for the oil level sensor and today the pan bolts and the motor mount high grade bolts came UPS .It bought sandwich bags and will start counting and packing the bolts and o-ring tonight .I also have the shipping packages and I have been putting the address on them as the buyers are prepaying .More info to come as I get it . ;David
09-12-2012, 08:00 AM
I will be sending payment next week. I can't wait till these are done
09-12-2012, 09:49 AM
i have pay´d to day..hope its arrived...thx again David
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-12-2012, 09:08 PM
Rayrx7 your payment was received and I have your shipping package ready . Every ones info, the o-ring and bolts are counted and packaged .WE are just waiting for the machine shops to do their work .
09-13-2012, 11:23 AM
Awesome! Thanks for the update :)
09-13-2012, 03:59 PM
Is this oil pan brace compatible with the Pineapple racing oil pan? Or would it be over kill have height clearance issue? Thanks.
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-13-2012, 09:04 PM
LONG RX7 to answer your question would be hard for me because I have never seen an oil pan from Pineapple Racing .Maybe someone on the forum can help LONG with an answer .
09-14-2012, 06:47 PM
Im Interested in one, do you still have it in stock?
Please post pictures of the set
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-14-2012, 09:46 PM
Therecruiter I do not have any in stock
I am having another batch of 28 units made and about 20 are spoken for.
If you need one there should be one for you. They should be ready soon. I will check on them next week. Everything else is ready to go .
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-14-2012, 09:49 PM
Does any one have pictures of the Garfinkle brace taken during your build.The only two braces I have are on my cars and I can not get good pictures showing the groove and fit .
09-17-2012, 05:33 PM
Is this oil pan brace compatible with the Pineapple racing oil pan? Or would it be over kill have height clearance issue? Thanks.
You're talking about the Excessive Aluminum Oil Pan, right?
Honestly I'm not sure on the height clearance issues, or if the excessive unit has similar ridge patterns to the stock pan.
As far as height issues, you could potentially adjust your engine mounts to compensate, depending on what you're using.
Please post pictures of the set
Does any one have pictures of the Garfinkle brace taken during your build.The only two braces I have are on my cars and I can not get good pictures showing the groove and fit .
I don't have any from MY build, but I stole some old pics from this forum and the 7club. Here ya go =)
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-17-2012, 08:59 PM
Wow great pictures I think I will buy one to hang on the wall .Thanks for the pictures .
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-24-2012, 08:36 AM
Here is the last info 9-24 -2012 ,I am going this morning to get the cut parts and take them to the other shop for milling,Several hours for me .The milling shop said I SHOULD be able to pick them up on Friday .The people who have prepayed will have the parts shipped Friday afternoon or Saturday morning If they are ready Friday . Start sending your payment if you wish . Thanks to all ;David
09-25-2012, 08:15 AM
I sent payment, thanks.
09-25-2012, 08:44 AM
these still available? I just seen this posted up on FB and am interested in one for myself, and also if available I will need it shipped to a Germany APO address (military)
09-25-2012, 09:50 AM
these still available? I just seen this posted up on FB and am interested in one for myself, and also if available I will need it shipped to a Germany APO address (military)
Yes, I'm interested as well. Is it too late or not? I want to order one, shipped to 34231.
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-25-2012, 02:34 PM
There will be several more then spoken for .I am sending them out as they are paid for so everyone who pays will be satisfied .
09-25-2012, 03:51 PM
I'm very interested in one as well. I'll take one if/when available
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-26-2012, 10:45 PM
I have all the prepaid packages addressed and ready to go as soon as the machine shop calls .They think that will be Friday ,9-28-2012.I am shipping the orders first paid first shipped Do not sleep through this .When the part are in my hand I will start calling the people on the list that have not paided.Keep you fingers crossed for Friday .
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-27-2012, 10:27 PM
The last machine shop said today that the braces should be ready Friday and I should call them early afternoon .The trip to get them will take about 2 1/2 hours .I will start shipping the prepaid orders if the post office is open after I tape up the packages . I will be shipping them as they are paid for after the first group goes out .
09-27-2012, 10:38 PM
Awesome, thanks for making another run of these braces David. You're the man!
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-28-2012, 12:35 AM
There is alot of stress for me to sell something that I do not have in my hands ready to ship.All my customers know I ship quickly an need every customer to be satisfied with anything I make .These braces are the only thing I sell that involves other venders .I will be happy after all orders are filled .
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-28-2012, 04:56 PM
It is a go on my end I have shipped the prepaid orders and I am going to call the numbers on the list .I am sending them out as the payment is made if you are on the list or not,do not sleep through this .
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-28-2012, 09:56 PM
I will ship the second batch tomorrow several are for people not on the list .They are being shipped as the payment comes in .
09-29-2012, 07:13 PM
Finaly got mine...
BIG thanks to David...
Garfinkles Motor Works
09-30-2012, 09:56 AM
I finaly picked them up on Friday and shipped out the prepaid orders three hours later.The last machine shop was a 2 hour trip and I had everything else ready to go . It seems more people not on the list are buying than the ones on the list.
10-01-2012, 12:45 PM
David - PM sent
Garfinkles Motor Works
10-01-2012, 08:45 PM
I thank everyone on the list that ordered a brace .Those of you that are on the list and have not ordered should do so if you want a brace .More people not on the list are buying and If I run out all I can do is say I am sorry . We all need to thank FENDAMONKY for all his work and time putting this together .If you want a brace do not delay first come first searved .
10-02-2012, 08:27 AM
I can't wait to get mine
10-02-2012, 02:40 PM
I got a call from my room-mate yesterday while driving home from 7stock, he said that my brave had arrived. I'll be sure to take some pics one i get home and catch up on some sleep.
Thanks again for making these David!
Garfinkles Motor Works
10-02-2012, 09:02 PM
Anyone needing a brace step on up and get the ones that people on the list did not buy.
10-03-2012, 10:02 PM
I got mine too, thanks.
10-04-2012, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the excellent service. Brace looks great. Can't wait to finally get rid of this oil leak! Thanks to you I shouldn't have a problem doing that now :icon_tup:
10-09-2012, 09:41 PM
Pm sent... want one!
Garfinkles Motor Works
10-10-2012, 09:46 AM
Two more better hurry
10-10-2012, 07:03 PM
pm sent
Garfinkles Motor Works
10-11-2012, 09:40 AM
Thank to all who bought an oil pan brace ,THEY ARE NOW SOLD OUT if there are twenty presale orders then I will do another run of twenty eight .Start a list on this thread .Every one should thank Fendamonky for his work on this buy .
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