06-04-2012, 12:09 PM
(This is my first post here, I hope that wont discourage any of you from attending. Ive been a member of Ohio-rotaries, and 7Club for years! A good friend told me I should include you guys in our meets! So I hope to see you out there!!!)
Ohio-rotaries.com and Defined Autoworks have come together to bring you the most epic BBQ this side of the planet....
555 Corbett Rd. Unit 4/5
Groveport, Ohio 43125
12:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
The 21st of July 2012, Defined Autoworks will open their doors to all rotorheads to come and bask in rotary nirvana. We at OH-R always know how to have a good time, we will be out in force, and we want more rotornuts to come and have fun with us! It looks like an R100, Rx-4, and Rx-5 Cosmo will be in attendance, thanks to Defined! They will also have a 20B S14, as well as many other 2 and 3 rotor powered vehicles! They have built 515 hp N/A 20Bs, and their exhaust systems are gorgeous incredibly efficient works of art! So this is a company you need to check out!
Here are some teaser shots of some of the cars Defined has had a hand in!
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/297215_199763696758318_199752770092744_489000_1125 880299_n.jpg
Ohio-rotaries.com and Defined Autoworks have come together to bring you the most epic BBQ this side of the planet....
555 Corbett Rd. Unit 4/5
Groveport, Ohio 43125
12:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
The 21st of July 2012, Defined Autoworks will open their doors to all rotorheads to come and bask in rotary nirvana. We at OH-R always know how to have a good time, we will be out in force, and we want more rotornuts to come and have fun with us! It looks like an R100, Rx-4, and Rx-5 Cosmo will be in attendance, thanks to Defined! They will also have a 20B S14, as well as many other 2 and 3 rotor powered vehicles! They have built 515 hp N/A 20Bs, and their exhaust systems are gorgeous incredibly efficient works of art! So this is a company you need to check out!
Here are some teaser shots of some of the cars Defined has had a hand in!
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/297215_199763696758318_199752770092744_489000_1125 880299_n.jpg