View Full Version : Gaby Skern Dyno day Saturday June 2nd!!!

05-15-2012, 12:01 PM
This has been planned for a little while, and I do apologize for posting this WAY later than intended on here. But if you can make it that would be awesome.

The man is coming back for a second time in Springfield to lend his tuning knowledge and hands to our fellow 417rotor heads!! So on Saturday the 2nd, at 10am come join us on our club test n' tune with none other than Gaby Skern! Nick at Taliaferro Imports has approved our all day dyno session. This will be an exciting meet with a premier tuner. Details are below!

Click image for full size and to print
http://i834.photobucket.com/albums/zz261/therx7kid09/Meets/Dynodaygabyjune2nd.jpg (http://417rotary.com/therx7kid/Dynodaygabyjune2nd.jpg)

Where: Taliaferro Imports
Address: 525 North Prince Lane Springfield, MO
Date: Saturday June 2nd
Time: 10 am
Price: $350 per car for Gaby to tune and $65 hourly dyno session

Click on the map for directions
http://i834.photobucket.com/albums/zz261/therx7kid09/417rotarydynosmall.jpg (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Taliaferro+Imports+Inc,+525+North+Prince+La ne,+Springfield,+MO+65802-2552&hl=en&ll=37.211853,-93.236498&spn=0.00308,0.006185&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=49.757664,101.337891&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=18&iwloc=A)

For more info on Gaby and his crew, visit http://skernracing.com/

Please put your name on the list below for those that want to dyno! Include name, type and ECU. And remember if you can't make it let us know!!! It's imparitve that Gaby has an idea of how many ACTUAL cars he's going to dyno for the day.

1. Tony's twinturbo FD (not your usual twins) Microtech
2. James drag fc ???? Haven't decided on the ems yet
3. Josh TII Wolf
4. Rick single turbo FD PFC
5. Steve white t2 microtech
6. Andy red t2 microtech
7. Gum mb fd microtech
8. Matt White Supra VPC
9.Angel Orange FD microtech

And here are some videos from last years meet!







Hope to see you all there!!!