View Full Version : DGRR 2012 - Registration List

04-08-2012, 09:27 PM
Invoice - First Name - RX7 Club - RX8 Club - Rotary Car Club
2 - Bryan - reddozen - reddozen - reddozen
2 (G) - Heather - - -
3 - Darrel - djmtsu - djmtsu - djmtsu
4 - Melinda - - - Rx8FcMel
5 - tray - lt1_rx7 - - lt1_fd3s
6 - Brian - - - TitaniumTT
7 - Adler - - - ih8dsm
7 (G) - Amanda - - -
8 - Dale - - -
8 (G) - Phil - - -
9 - Eddie - evot23 - evot23 - evot23
10 - William - Fero313 - - FerociousP
12 - Robert - - - My5ABaby
13 - michael - rxtasy3 - - rxtasy3
14 - Marco - Rotorypolo - - Rotorypolo
15 - John "Jack" - Trout2 - - Trout2
16 - Mike - Viperx7 - - Viperx7
17 - Ian - Darthrotary - Darthrotary - Darthrotary
17 (G) - Samantha - - -
18 - Adam - afgmoto1978 - afgmoto1978 - afgmoto1978
18 (G) - Melissa - - -
19 - Dan - SavannaDan - - SavannaDan
19 (G) - Fe - - -
20 - M.C. - - - 2GSLSE
21 - Jonathan - allrotor93 - -
21 (G) - Steven - stevenoz - -
22 - Scott - SPiN Racing - SPiN Racing - SPiN Racing
23 - AJ - duffman692002 - - duffman692002
24 - charles - jfa_planet - jfa_planet - jfa_planet
25 - Jamin - - - 88turboii
26 - Jim - Evil Aviator - - Evil Aviator
27 - John - - - JhnRX7
28 - Phillip - igropemotoko - igropemotoko -
29 - Nathaniel - 85rx-7gsl-se - - 85rx-7gsl-se
29 (G) - Jessica - - -
37 - Collin - TwinCharged RX7 - - RX Se7en
38 - Luke - PortedRotorTuner - PortedRotorTuner - PortedRotorTuner
38 (G) - Riya - - -
39 - Curtis - cshaw07 - -
39 (G) - Alysha - - -
40 - Pete - pete_89t2 - - pete_89t2
41 - Wendy - Rotary-Kytten - Rotary-Kytten - Rotary-Kytten
43 - Ian - Ian - - Ian
44 - Rodney - rdgt99 - - rdgt99
45 - Richard - rgould - - rgould
46 - Sheryl - rgould - - rgould
47 - Akil - Rudi - Rudi - Rudi
47 (G) - Nichol - - -
48 - Robert - rwatson5651 - - rwatson5651
48 (G) - Lou Ann - - -
50 - Randy - RLM55 - -
50 (G) - Bobbie - - -
51 - Sheldon - Shetlen - -
52 - Myron - MLDoom - -
53 - Tommy - tomtomgt356 - tomtomgt356 - tomtomgt356
54 - Levi - slvrstreak - slvrstreak - slvrstreak
55 - Stephen - estevan62274 - firecran - estevan62274
55 (G) - Anna - - -
56 - Neal - kansei - kansei - kansei
59 - Zach - - - FC Zach
59 (G) - Jeff - - - AlmostStockFC
61 - NEAL - kansei - kansei - kansei
62 - Beau - BeauNC - - BeanNC
63 - Rich - GoodfellaFD3S - -
64 - Chris - orion84gsl - - orion84gsl
65 - David - Rotory4life - -
67 - Kevin - Gringo Grande - - Gringo Grande
74 - Bryon - Buggy - - Buggy
76 - Eric - speedjunkie - - speedjunkie
77 - Matthew - Spazm_81 - - Rx7Spaz
78 - Jason - franticRX-7 - -
79 - Davin - Davin - -
80 - Toby - NoviceRotaryTech. - - N.RotaryTech
82 - Jeffry - - HiFlite999 -
83 - Derrick - DerrickS - -
83 (G) - Becky - - -
84 - Zamir - angelofragnarok - angelofragnarok - angelofragnarok
85 - Richard - technomentor - -
85 (G) - Brett - - -
86 - Jon - scrx7 - - scrx7
87 - David - David Hayes - - War Eagle
87 (G) - David - - -
88 - Thomas - theorie - theorie - theorie
90 - Jonathan - Joerx7fd - - Joewrx8
90 (G) - Carol - - -
91 - Rick - ZumSpeedRX-7 - - rotary-amuse
92 - Dennis - sinned2545 - sinned2545 - sinned2545
92 (G) - Not sure - - -
93 - Frank - ffilemyr - - ffilemyr
93 (G) - Dana - - -
94 - Steve - prew - -
94 (G) - Sammy - - -
95 - Chad - Chad D. - Chad D. -
95 (G) - Anita - - -
96 - Brian - Rxse7en - Rxse7en - Rxse7en
96 (G) - Nikolas - - -
98 - Jason - - - RoughRex
98 (G) - Madras - - -
100 - Joe - - Joe-the_tattoo_artist -
100 (G) - Jennifer - - -
100 (G) - Katherine - - -
100 (G) - Daemon - - -
100 (G) - Randy - - -
101 - Kevin - my88vert - - my88vert
102 - Mike - RXtacy - - RXtacy
103 - Chad - - - fire85gslse
104 - Rick - - -
106 - Jessie - - -
106 (G) - Mark - - -
107 - Steve - - Zixxer2Go -
108 - Brett - BrettLinton7 - - BrettLinton7
139 - Josh - duc lover - - duc lover
184 - James - JDuncan - JDuncan - JDuncan
184 (G) - Cindy - - -
209 - J. Brian - J. Brian Conran - J. Brian Conran - J. Brian Conran
215 - Joe - Dean52 - -
215 (G) - Trey - - -
216 - Chris - devoid1 - devoid -
219 - Jay - - RJayX-8 - I_H8_Pistons
220 - William - - Willnordacgreen1211 - Willnordacgreen1211
220 (G) - Mikayla - - -
256 - Brayan - r1fdtres - -
257 - Devin - - -
257 (G) - Misty - - -
271 - Jess - - -
271 (G) - Barbara - - -
272 - Dustin - - -
272 (G) - Lindsey - - -
363 - Tim - t_g_farrell - - t_g_farrell
371 - Stephen - Sephitrask - Sephitrask - Sephitrask
373 - Bobby - VincentRX7 - - VincentRX7
373 (G) - Tim - - -
374 - dariel - morondongon - - morondongon
377 - Reese - 20B10AE - 20B10AE - reese.leblanc
377 (G) - Nicole - SCRedNic - - SCRedNic
382 - Jesse - Ma7daPOW3R - -
383 - Greg - Rotr8 - Rotr8 - Rotr8
384 - Ryan - - -
386 - Nathan - scribo - -
386 (G) - Maria - - -
395 - James - jl1rx7 - jl1rx7 - jl1rx7
397 - Luis - - -
397 (G) - Ana - - -
398 - Bill - WE3RX7 - WE3RX7 - WE3RX7
400 - Jeff - Hades - - Hades
403 - Andrew - Supernaut - Supernaut6 - Supernaut
409 - Tyler - - - Force13b
409 (G) - Ana - - -
410 - Patrick - Mr.Cool - -
410 (G) - Ashton - - -
418 - Adam - agent004 - agent004 -
419 - Levi - Fendamonky - - Fendamonky
420 - Chad - Inubyinu - Giniro-no Tetsuya - Inubyinu
464 - Bobby - shaggylemur - -
476 - louis - drama - drama - drama
476 (G) - trevor - - -
478 - Kevin - Jfxp - Jfxp -
478 (G) - Lindsay - - -
484 - Michael - - Mike Penner -
495 - Frankie - PXRdriFT - -
512 - Nicholas - - lilring - lilring
516 - Karen - - -
516 (G) - Cameron - - -
518 - Glenn - - - mazpower
518 (G) - Kevin - - -
543 - curtis - 1stgennutt - - 1stgennutt
543 (G) - tammy - - -
560 - Chris - - -
588 - Mark - - -
588 (G) - Katherine - - -
588 (G) - Robert - - -
612 - Kevin - 9G Redline - 9G Redline - 9G Redline
612 (G) - Lindsay - - -
657 - garret - g's 3rd gen - - g's 3rd gen
680 - Brandon - - mygrayrx8 -
689 - Marco - thewird - thewird - thewird

04-09-2012, 06:55 AM

Although Brian cheated to make himself first :D

04-09-2012, 08:10 AM
That's a lot of people. Although I do think the numbering is a bit off... ;)

04-09-2012, 08:48 AM
176 people
137 rotaries
143 vehicles

Counts for people came from this post and the other counts from the DGRR site.

04-09-2012, 09:46 AM
There are few vendor cars and other attendees. So, the list isn't complete.

Proxy One
04-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Yeah, Volunteers arent accounted for either. ;)

04-09-2012, 10:11 AM
Actually up to:
182 registered
141 rotary vehicles

Doesn't include sponsors, and whomever from their groups that are coming etc. We're short about 100 people from last year, but we'll still have a good time without them.

04-09-2012, 10:29 AM
Actually up to:
182 registered
141 rotary vehicles

Doesn't include sponsors, and whomever from their groups that are coming etc. We're short about 100 people from last year, but we'll still have a good time without them.

Less people on the roads = more fun for us!